import discord import as data from discord.ext import commands from discord.utils import get ROLES_JSON = "roles" class Roles(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot secret_roles = discord.SlashCommandGroup( "secretroles", checks=[commands.has_permissions(manage_roles=True)] ) @secret_roles.command() async def add(self, ctx, role: discord.role.Role, password: str): roles = data.load_data(ROLES_JSON) if password in roles["secret_roles"]: return await ctx.respond(f"Password ``{password}`` is already used.", ephemeral=True) roles["secret_roles"][password] = data.dump_data(ROLES_JSON, roles) return await ctx.respond(f"Secret role {role.mention} added with password {password}.", ephemeral=True) @secret_roles.command() async def list(self, ctx): roles = data.load_data(ROLES_JSON) if len(roles["secret_roles"]) == 0: return await ctx.respond(f"No current secret roles.", ephemeral=True) msg = "" for passwd, role in roles["secret_roles"].items(): role = get(, id=role) msg += f"``{passwd}``: {role.mention}\n" return await ctx.respond(msg, ephemeral=True) @secret_roles.command() async def delete(self, ctx, password: str): roles = data.load_data(ROLES_JSON) if password not in roles["secret_roles"]: return await ctx.respond(f"Role with passowrd {password} does not exist.", ephemeral=True) role = get(, id=roles["secret_roles"][password]) del roles["secret_roles"][password] data.dump_data(ROLES_JSON, roles) return await ctx.respond( f"Secret role {role.mention} no longer obtainable with password {password}.", ephemeral=True ) @discord.slash_command() async def secretrole(self, ctx, password: str): roles = data.load_data(ROLES_JSON) if password in roles["secret_roles"]: author = role = get(author.guild.roles, id=roles["secret_roles"][password]) await author.add_roles(role, reason="Roles assigned for password knowledge.") return await ctx.respond(f"You now have role {role.mention}.", ephemeral=True) else: return await ctx.respond("Incorrect password.", ephemeral=True) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Roles(bot))