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from typing import List
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
class ImageProcessor:
def __init__(self, public_dir: str, *lookup_dirs: List[str]):
self.public_dir = public_dir
self.lookup_dirs = lookup_dirs
if not os.path.exists(self.public_dir):
def process_image(self, input_filename: str, format: str, relative=True, width: int=None, height:int=None, quality: int=None, dpi: int=None) -> str:
name = os.path.basename(input_filename)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
ext = ext[1:]
full_path = self.find_image(input_filename)
if full_path is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(f'Image {input_filename} not found.')
suffix = ""
geometry = None
if width is not None or height is not None:
geometry = f'{width if width is not None else ""}x{height if height is not None else ""}'
suffix += "_"+geometry
if quality is not None:
suffix += f'_q{quality}'
if quality is not None:
suffix += f'_d{dpi}'
target_name = base+suffix+"."+format
target_path = self.public_dir + "/" + target_name
if not os.path.isfile(target_path):
if (((ext == format and width)
or (ext == "epdf" and format == "pdf")
or (ext == "jpg" and format == "jpeg"))
and width is None and height is None and quality is None and dpi is None):
shutil.copyfile(full_path, target_path)
elif self.find_image(target_name):
shutil.copyfile(self.find_image(target_name), target_path)
elif ext == "svg":
width_arg = ['--export-width', str(width)] if width is not None else []
height_arg = ['--export-height', str(height)] if height is not None else []
dpi_arg = ['--export-dpi', str(dpi)] if dpi is not None else []
if['inkscape', full_path, '-o', target_path, *width_arg, *height_arg, *dpi_arg]).returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f"Could not convert '{full_path}' to '{format}'")
resize_arg = ['-resize', str(geometry)] if geometry is not None else []
density_arg = ['-density', str(dpi)] if dpi is not None else []
quality_arg = ['-quality', str(quality)] if quality is not None else []
if['convert', full_path, *resize_arg, *density_arg, *quality_arg, target_path]).returncode != 0:
raise Exception(f"Could not convert '{full_path}' to '{format}'")
return target_name if relative else target_path
def find_image(self, input_filename) -> str:
for dir in self.lookup_dirs:
if os.path.isfile(dir + "/" + input_filename):
return dir + "/" + input_filename