You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

125 lines
3.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Import local files
from whitespace import *
from command import *
from util import *
import builtin_commands
from panflute import *
import re
import sys
from typing import List
from mj_show import show
flags = ["dog"]
commands = []
def executeCommand(source: Code, element: Element) -> List[Element]:
mode = 'empty'
text = ""
content = []
def print(s: str):
if mode == 'elements':
raise SyntaxError("Cannot use `print` and `appendChild` in one command at the same time.")
mode = 'text'
text += s
def println(s: str):
def appendChild(e: Element):
if mode == 'text':
raise SyntaxError("Cannot use `print` and `appendChild` in one command at the same time.")
mode = 'elements'
if mode == 'text':
return convert_text(text)
if mode == 'elements':
return content
def transform(e: Element) -> Element: # Returns next sibling element to transform
"""Transform the AST, making format-agnostic changes."""
if isinstance(e, Whitespace) and bavlna(e):
e = replaceEl(e, NBSP())
if hasattr(e, "attributes"):
# `if` attribute. Only show this element if flag is set.
if "if" in e.attributes:
if not e.attributes["if"] in flags:
# `ifn` attribute. Only show this element if flag is NOT set
if "ifn" in e.attributes:
if e.attributes["ifn"] in flags:
# `c` attribute. Execute a command with the name saved in this attribute.
if (isinstance(e, Div) or isinstance(e, Span)) and "c" in e.attributes:
if isinstance(e, Div):
e = replaceEl(e, MultilineCommand(*e.content, identifier=e.identifier, classes=e.classes, attributes=e.attributes))
e = replaceEl(e, InlineCommand(*e.content, identifier=e.identifier, classes=e.classes, attributes=e.attributes))
# Execute python code inside source code block
if isinstance(e, CodeBlock) and hasattr(e, "classes") and "python" in e.classes and "run" in e.classes:
if isinstance(e, CodeBlock) and hasattr(e, "classes") and "python" in e.classes and hasattr(e, attributes):
if "define" in e.attributes:
if not e.attributes["define"] in commands:
commands[e.attributes["define"]] = compile(e.text, '<string>', 'exec')
raise NameError(f"Command already defined: '{e.attributes['define']}'")
if "redefine" in e.attributes:
commands[e.attributes["redefine"]] = compile(e.text, '<string>', 'exec')
# Handle special command shorthand [!commandname]{}
if isinstance(e, Span) and len(e.content) == 1 and isinstance(e.content[0], Str) and re.match(r"^![\w.]+$", e.content[0].text):
e = replaceEl(e, InlineCommand(identifier=e.identifier, classes=e.classes, attributes={**e.attributes, "c": e.content[0].text[1:]}))
# The command is executed first and then its contents are transformed. TODO: Is this what we want?
if isinstance(e, Command):
if not e.attributes["c"] in commands:
raise NameError(f"Command not defined '{e.attributes['c']}'.")
e = e.replaceSelf(executeCommand(commands[e.attributes["c"]], e))
# Transformation of other elements. This is not done using a for cycle,
# because deletions of elements would mess with it.
children = ((child_name, getattr(e, child_name)) for child_name in e._children)
for child_name, child in children:
if hasattr(e, "content") and len(e.content) > 0:
next = transform(e.content[0])
while next != None:
next = transform(next)
# Return nearest sibling to transform
doc = convert_text(open(sys.argv[1], "r").read(), standalone=True, extra_args=["-f", "markdown+fenced_code_attributes"])
#print(convert_text(doc, input_format="panflute", output_format="markdown"))