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title: A subfile!
I am a little piece of content
# With a title!
And things...
``` {.python .run}
# I set my own flags!
ctx.set_flag("cat", True)
``` {.python .run}
println(f"The subdocument's title is \n\n# {ctx.get_metadata('title')}")
println(f"The subdocument's subtitle is \n\n## {ctx.get_metadata('subtitle')}")
```markdown {.group}
language: "cs"
Tak toto je "v prádelně" pánové!
```markdown {.group}
language: "en"
This is "in a laundry room" gentlemen!
I am a duck.
This should be only shown to included cats.
\def\eqalign#1{NO, just, nooooo}
![This is a figure, go figure...](logo.svg){width=25%}
![This is a figure, go figure...](logo.pdf){width=50%}
![This is a figure, go figure...](logo.jpg){width=50%}
![This is a figure, go figure...](logo1.png){width=10em}
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![Fakt epesní reproduktor](reproduktor.png "Hodně rozpixelovaný obrázek reproduktoru"){width=10em file-width=1000}