from panflute import * import re # Import local files from whitespace import * from command import * from util import * from context import * class FQuoted(Quoted): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = kwargs["style"] del kwargs["style"] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def transform(e: Element, c: Context) -> Element: # Returns next sibling element to transform """Transform the AST, making format-agnostic changes.""" if isinstance(e, Whitespace) and bavlna(e, c): e = NBSP() if hasattr(e, "attributes"): # `if` attribute. Only show this element if flag is set. if "if" in e.attributes: if not c.is_flag_set(e.attributes["if"]): return nullify(e) # `ifn` attribute. Only show this element if flag is NOT set if "ifn" in e.attributes: if c.is_flag_set(e.attributes["ifn"]): return nullify(e) # `c` attribute. Execute a command with the name saved in this attribute. if (isinstance(e, Div) or isinstance(e, Span)) and "c" in e.attributes: if isinstance(e, Div): e = BlockCommand(*e.content, identifier=e.identifier, classes=e.classes, attributes=e.attributes) else: e = InlineCommand(*e.content, identifier=e.identifier, classes=e.classes, attributes=e.attributes) # `partial` attribute. # This is for including content from files with their own flags and # commands without affecting the state of the current document. if (isinstance(e, Div)) and "partial" in e.attributes: includedDoc = import_md(open(e.attributes["partial"], "r").read()) nContext = Context(includedDoc, e.attributes["partial"], c) includedDoc = includedDoc.walk(transform, nContext) e = Div(*includedDoc.content) if isinstance(e, Quoted): quote_styles = { "cs": "cs", "en": "en", "sk": "cs", None: None } e = FQuoted(*e.content, quote_type=e.quote_type, style=quote_styles[c.get_metadata("language")]) # Execute python code inside source code block if isinstance(e, CodeBlock) and hasattr(e, "classes") and "python" in e.classes and "run" in e.classes: e = Div(*executeCommand(e.text, None, c)) e = e.walk(transform, c) ## Command defines # possible TODO: def/longdef? if isinstance(e, CodeBlock) and hasattr(e, "classes") and "python" in e.classes and hasattr(e, "attributes")\ and ("define" in e.attributes or "redefine" in e.attributes): e = handle_command_define(e, c) # Pass down metadata 'highlight' and 'highlight_style' as attribute to CodeBlocks if isinstance(e, CodeBlock): if not "highlight" in e.attributes: e.attributes["highlight"] = c.get_metadata("highlight") if c.get_metadata("highlight") is not None else True if not "style" in e.attributes: e.attributes["style"] = c.get_metadata("highlight_style") if c.get_metadata("highlight_style") is not None else "default" ## Shorthands if isinstance(e, Span) and len(e.content) == 1 and isinstance(e.content[0], Str): ## Handle special command shorthand [!commandname]{} if re.match(r"^![\w]+$", e.content[0].text): e = InlineCommand(identifier=e.identifier, classes=e.classes, attributes={**e.attributes, "c": e.content[0].text[1:]}) ## Handle import [#path/]{} # This is the exact opposite of include. We take the commands # and flags but drop the content. elif re.match(r"^#.+$", e.content[0].text): importedDoc = import_md(open(e.content[0].text[1:], "r").read()) importedDoc.walk(transform, c) return nullify(e) ## Handle metadata print [$something.something]{} elif re.match(r"^\$[\w.]+$", e.content[0].text): val = c.get_metadata(e.content[0].text[1:], False) if isinstance(val, MetaInlines): e = Span(*val.content) e = e.walk(transform, c) elif isinstance(val, MetaString): e = Span(Str(val.string)) elif isinstance(val, MetaBool): e = Span(Str(str(val.boolean))) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot print value of metadatum {e.content[0].text[1:]}") ## Execute commands # panflute's walk transforms the children first, then the root element, so # the content of the element the command receives is already transformed. if isinstance(e, Command): if not c.get_command(e.attributes["c"]): raise NameError(f"Command not defined '{e.attributes['c']}'.") e = e.replaceSelf(executeCommand(c.get_command(e.attributes["c"]), e, c)) e = e.walk(transform, c) return e