#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import re import sys from typing import List import os # Import local files from transform import transform from util import * from context import Context from group import Group from katex import KatexClient from html import html from tex import tex from images import ImageProcessor from mj_show import show parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-l", "--img-lookup-dirs", help="Image lookup directories. When processing images, the program will try to find the image in them first. By default contains the directory of each MarkDown file.", nargs="+", default=[]) parser.add_argument("-p", "--img-public-dir", help="Directory to put processed images into. The program will not overwrite existing images.", nargs=1, default="public") parser.add_argument("-i", "--img-web-path", help="Path where the processed images are available on the website.", nargs=1, default="/") parser.add_argument("-w", "--output-html", help="The HTML file (for Web) to write into.", nargs=1, default="output.html") parser.add_argument("-t", "--output-tex", help="The TEX file to write into.", nargs=1, default="output.tex") parser.add_argument("input_filename", help="The MarkDown file to process.") args = parser.parse_args() doc = import_md(open(args.input_filename, "r").read()) language = doc.get_metadata("language", None, True) context = Context(doc, args.input_filename) doc = doc.walk(transform, context) doc.content = [Group(*doc.content, metadata={"language":language})] katexClient = KatexClient() imageProcessor = ImageProcessor(args.img_public_dir, args.img_web_path, *args.img_lookup_dirs) open(args.output_html, "w").write(html(doc, katexClient, imageProcessor)) open(args.output_tex, "w").write(tex(doc, imageProcessor))