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from .nop_processor import NOPProcessor
from panflute import Div, Span, Null, Str, Plain, Quoted
from .context import Group, InlineGroup, BlockGroup
from .elements import FQuoted
from .whitespace import NBSP
from .nop_processor import ELCl
from typing import Callable
import sys
class PandocProcessor(NOPProcessor):
def get_posttransformers(self) -> list[Callable[[ELCl],ELCl]]:
return super().get_posttransformers()+[self.sanitize_attributes]
def sanitize_attributes(self, e: ELCl) -> ELCl:
if hasattr(e, "attributes"):
for key, value in e.attributes.items():
e.attributes[key] = str(value)
return e
def transform_Group(self, e: Group) -> Group:
e.content = self.transform(e.content)
return Div(*e.content)
def transform_InlineGroup(self, e: InlineGroup) -> InlineGroup:
e.content = self.transform(e.content)
return Span(*e.content)
def transform_BlockGroup(self, e: BlockGroup) -> BlockGroup:
e.content = self.transform(e.content)
return Div(*e.content)
def transform_Null(self, e: Null):
return Plain(Str(""))
def transform_FQuoted(self, e: FQuoted) -> Quoted:
return Quoted(*e.content)
def transform_NBSP(self, e: NBSP) -> Str:
return Str(" ") # Unicode nbsp