You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
4.1 KiB

from panflute import Doc, Element, Div, Span
from typing import Union, Callable
from types import ModuleType
import os
import warnings
from .command import Command
CommandCallable = Callable[[Command, 'Context'], list[Element]] # This is here because of a wild circular import dependency between many functions and classes
# This class is used to keep state while transforming the document using
# For the context to be available to the html and TeX generators,
# individual keys must be manually assigned to the individual elements. This is
# done in
# The context is also aware of its parent contexts and relevant data (such as
# metadata and commands) can be read from the closest parent context. Writing
# only happens to the current one.
# This class is basically an extension to panflute's doc, this is why metadata
# is read directly from it.
class Context:
parent: Union["Context", None]
_commands: dict[str, Union[CommandCallable, None]]
doc: Doc
trusted: bool
path: str
dir: str
filename: str
def __init__(self, doc: Doc, path: str, parent: Union['Context', None]=None, trusted: bool=True):
self.parent = parent
self._commands = {}
self.doc = doc
self.trusted = trusted
self.path = path
self.dir = os.path.dirname(path) if os.path.dirname(path) != "" else "."
self.filename = os.path.basename(path)
if self.get_metadata("flags", immediate=True) is None:
self.set_metadata("flags", {})
def get_command(self, command: str) -> Union[CommandCallable, None]:
if command in self._commands:
return self._commands[command]
elif self.parent:
return self.parent.get_command(command)
return None
def set_command(self, command: str, val: CommandCallable):
self._commands[command] = val
def unset_command(self, command: str):
del self._commands[command]
def add_commands_from_module(self, module: Union[dict[str, CommandCallable], ModuleType], module_name: str=""):
if isinstance(module, ModuleType):
module = module.__dict__
prefix = module_name+"." if module_name else ""
for name, func in module.items():
if isinstance(func, Callable):
self.set_command(prefix+name, func)
def is_flag_set(self, flag: str):
if self.get_metadata("flags."+flag) is not None:
if self.get_metadata("flags."+flag):
return True
return False
elif self.parent:
return self.parent.is_flag_set(flag)
return False
def set_flag(self, flag: str, val: bool):
self.set_metadata("flags."+flag, val)
def unset_flag(self, flag: str):
def get_metadata(self, key: str, simple: bool=True, immediate: bool=False):
value = self.doc.get_metadata(key, None, simple)
if value is not None:
return value
elif self.parent and not immediate:
return self.parent.get_metadata(key)
return None
def set_metadata(self, key: str, value):
meta = self.doc.metadata
keys = key.split(".")
for k in keys[:-1]:
meta = meta[k]
meta[keys[-1]] = value
def unset_metadata(self, key: str):
meta = self.doc.metadata
keys = key.split(".")
for k in keys[:-1]:
meta = meta[k]
del meta.content[key[-1]] # A hack because MetaMap doesn't have a __delitem__
def import_metadata(self, data, key: str=""):
if isinstance(data, dict) and isinstance(self.get_metadata(key), dict):
for subkey, value in enumerate(data):
self.import_metadata(value, key+"."+subkey if key != "" else subkey)
self.set_metadata(key, data)
# This is a custom element which creates \begingroup \endgroup groups in TeX
# and also causes KaTeX math blocks to be isolated in a similar way.
# Whenever a new context is created, its content should be eclosed in a group and vice-versa.
class Group(Element):
metadata: dict
context: Context
def __init__(self, *args, context:Context, metadata={}, **kwargs):
self.metadata = metadata # This is only here for backwards compatibility with old, and FIXME: Remove this when the time comes.
self.context = context
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class BlockGroup(Group, Div):
class InlineGroup(Group, Span):