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<script lang="ts">
import { createEventDispatcher, onMount } from "svelte";
import type { TaskId } from "./graph-types";
export let task: TaskId;
let hovering: boolean = false;
let text_element: SVGTextElement;
$: cx = task === undefined || task.x === undefined ? 0 : task.x;
$: cy = task === undefined || task.y === undefined ? 0 : task.y;
const eventDispatcher = createEventDispatcher()
function enter() {
hovering = true;
eventDispatcher("hoveringChange", hovering)
function leave() {
hovering = false;
eventDispatcher("hoveringChange", hovering)
function click(e: MouseEvent) {
eventDispatcher("click", e)
// automatically size the bubbles to fit the text
let ellipse_rx = 20;
onMount(() => {
const bbox = text_element.getBBox();
ellipse_rx = bbox.width / 2 + 8;
4 years ago
g:hover > ellipse {
4 years ago
fill: #ffb3a2
ellipse {
fill: #69b3a2
<g on:mouseenter={enter} on:mouseleave={leave} on:click={click}>
<ellipse rx={ellipse_rx} ry={20} {cx} {cy} />
y={cy + 5}