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<script lang="ts">
import { grabAssignment } from "./ksp-task-grabber";
import type { TasksFile, TaskDescriptor } from "./task-loader";
// export let tasks: TasksFile;
export let selectedTask: string | null = null
export let finalSelect: boolean = false
let mouse: boolean = false
let height: string;
$: height = selectedTask == null && !mouse ? "0" :
finalSelect ? "100%" :
let taskPromise: Promise<string | null>
$: {
if (selectedTask != null)
taskPromise = grabAssignment(selectedTask)
.panel {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
background-color: #222;
overflow: hidden;
<div class="panel" style="height: {height}" on:mouseover={() => mouse = false} on:mouseout={() => mouse = false}>
{#if selectedTask != null}
{#await taskPromise}
Načítám úložku {selectedTask} ;)
{:then task}
{@html task}
<button type=button on:click={() => finalSelect = false}>