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export type TaskAssignmentData = {
id: string,
name: string,
points: number,
description: HTMLElement
type TaskLocation = {
/** Relative location of HTML file containing this task */
url: string
/** id of the element where the specific task begins */
startElement: string
function getLocation(id: string, solution: boolean): TaskLocation | null {
const m = /^(\d+)-(Z?)(\d)-(\d)$/.exec(id)
if (!m) return null
const [_, rocnik, z, serie, uloha] = m
if (z == 'Z') {
const urlX = solution ? "reseni" : "zadani"
return {
url: `z/ulohy/${rocnik}/${urlX}${serie}.html`,
startElement: `task-${id}`
} else {
const urlX = solution ? "solution" : "tasks"
return {
url: `tasks/${rocnik}/${urlX}${serie}.html`,
startElement: `task-${id}`
function parseTask(startElementId: string, html: string): string {
const parser = new DOMParser()
const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html")
const titleElement = doc.getElementById(startElementId)
if (!titleElement)
throw new Error(`Document does not contain ${startElementId}`)
const elements = []
let e = titleElement
while (e.nextElementSibling &&
e.nextElementSibling?.tagName.toLowerCase() == "hr")
e = e.nextElementSibling as HTMLElement
while (!e.classList.contains("story") &&
// !e.classList.contains("clearfloat") &&
e.tagName.toLowerCase() != "h3" &&
e.innerText.trim() != "Řešení"
if (!e.nextElementSibling) break;
e = e.nextElementSibling as HTMLElement
let r = ""
for (const e of elements)
r += e.outerHTML + "\n"
return r
async function loadTask({ url, startElement }: TaskLocation) {
const r = await fetch(url, { headers: { "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml" } })
if (r.status >= 400) {
throw Error("Bad request")
const rText = await r.text()
return parseTask(startElement, rText)
export async function grabAssignment(id: string): Promise<string> {
const l = getLocation(id, false)
if (!l) return "úloha je virtuální a neexistuje"
return await loadTask(l)
export async function grabSolution(id: string) {
const l = getLocation(id, true)
if (!l) return "úloha je virtuální a neexistuje"
return await loadTask(l)