@ -6,15 +6,21 @@ |
import { createLinksFromTaskMap } from "./task-loader"; |
import type { TasksFile, TaskDescriptor } from "./task-loader"; |
const eventDispatcher = createEventDispatcher(); |
export let tasks: TasksFile; |
export let selectedTask: null | string = null; |
export let repulsionForce: number = -600; |
// Svelte automatically fills these with a reference |
let container: HTMLElement; |
let clientHeight: number; |
let clientWidth: number; |
let svgElement: SVGElement; |
$: nodes = tasks.tasks; |
$: edges = createLinksFromTaskMap(tasks); |
const eventDispatcher = createEventDispatcher(); |
const nodeClick = (task: TaskDescriptor) => (e: CustomEvent<MouseEvent>) => { |
selectedTask = task.id; |
eventDispatcher("selectTask", task); |
@ -30,9 +36,6 @@ |
} |
}; |
// Svelte automatically fills this with a reference |
let container: HTMLElement; |
function runSimulation() { |
// Let's list the force we wanna apply on the network |
let simulation = d3 |
@ -59,38 +62,29 @@ |
} |
} |
// run on create |
// start simulation and center view on create |
onMount(() => { |
// set the dimensions and margins of the graph |
const width = container.clientWidth; |
const height = container.clientHeight; |
// resize the svg object |
var svg = d3 |
.select(container) |
.select("svg") |
.attr("width", width) |
.attr("height", height) |
.attr("viewBox", [-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height]) |
// set center of the SVG at (0,0) |
let svg = d3 |
.select(svgElement) |
.attr("viewBox", [ |
-clientWidth / 2, |
-clientHeight / 2, |
clientWidth, |
clientHeight, |
]) |
.select("g"); |
// setup zoom |
function zoomed(e) { |
let { transform } = e; |
svg.attr("transform", transform); |
svg.attr("transform", e.transform); |
} |
d3.select(container).call( |
d3 |
.zoom() |
.scaleExtent([0.1, 2]) |
.on("zoom", zoomed) |
); |
runSimulation(); |
let zoomer = d3.zoom().scaleExtent([0.1, 2]).on("zoom", zoomed); |
d3.select(container).call(zoomer); |
}); |
// don't forget to vomit 🤮🤢 |
export let runSimulationWeirdHack: boolean = true; |
export let runSimulationWeirdHack: boolean = false; |
$: { |
runSimulationWeirdHack; |
runSimulation(); |
@ -105,8 +99,8 @@ |
} |
</style> |
<div bind:this={container}> |
<svg> |
<div bind:this={container} bind:clientHeight bind:clientWidth> |
<svg bind:this={svgElement}> |
<g> |
{#each edges as edge} |
<GraphEdge {edge} /> |