import type { SimulationNodeDatum, SimulationLinkDatum } from "d3"; export type TaskDescriptor = { id: string requires: [] comment?: string } & SimulationNodeDatum export type TasksFile = { tasks: TaskDescriptor[] clusters: { [name: string]: string[] } } export type TaskMap = Map; export async function loadTasks(): Promise { const r = await fetch("/tasks.json") return await r.json() } export function createTaskMap(tasks: TasksFile): TaskMap { let m = new Map(); for (let task of tasks.tasks) { if ( in m) throw 'duplicate IDs in tasks.json'; m.set(, task); } return m; } export function createLinksFromTaskMap(tasks: TasksFile): SimulationLinkDatum[] { let links: SimulationLinkDatum[] = []; const taskMap = createTaskMap(tasks); for (const task of tasks.tasks) { for (const id of task.requires) { const t = taskMap.get(id); if (t === undefined) throw `missing task with id ${id}`; const l: SimulationLinkDatum = {source: t, target: task}; links.push(l); } } return links; }