import * as g from '../ksp-task-grabber' import { readFileSync, readdirSync } from 'fs'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import type { TaskDescriptor, TasksFile } from '../tasks'; import { action_destroyer } from 'svelte/internal'; const node_fetch: any = require('node-fetch') global.fetch = function(url: string, init: any) { return node_fetch(new URL(url, "").href, init) } as any const tasks_json = readFileSync("../tasks.json").toString() const tasks: TasksFile = JSON.parse(tasks_json) describe('tasks.json validation', () => { test("unique ids", () => { const allIds = => // no duplicate ids expect(allIds).toStrictEqual(Array.from(new Set(allIds).keys())) }) for (const t of tasks.tasks) { test(`'${}' is valid`, () => { expect("") expect(typeof"string") expect(t.title).toBeTruthy() expect(t.position).toBeDefined() expect(["open-data", "text", "label"]).toContain(t.type) if (t.type == "text") { expect(t.htmlContent?.trim()).toBeTruthy() } else if (t.type == "open-data") { expect(t.taskReference).toBeTruthy() expect(g.parseTaskId(t.taskReference)).toBeTruthy() } }) } }) describe('tasks assignment', () => { for (const t of tasks.tasks) { if (t.type != "open-data") continue; test.concurrent(`${}`, async () => { const assignment = await g.grabAssignment(t.taskReference) expect(t.taskReference).toEqual( expect(assignment.points).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1) expect(assignment.description.trim()).toBeTruthy() expect( }) } }) describe('tasks solutions', () => { const refs = tasks.tasks.filter(x => x.type == "open-data") .map(x => g.parseTaskId((x as any).taskReference)!) const lastSeriesZ = Math.max(... refs.filter(t => t.z).map(x => 10 * +x.rocnik + +x.serie)) const lastSeriesH = Math.max(... refs.filter(t => !t.z).map(x => 10 * +x.rocnik + +x.serie)) for (const t of tasks.tasks) { if (t.type != "open-data") { continue } const parsed = g.parseTaskId(t.taskReference)! if (10 * +parsed.rocnik + +parsed.serie >= (parsed.z ? lastSeriesZ : lastSeriesH)) { continue } test.concurrent(`${}`, async () => { const sol = await g.grabSolution(t.taskReference) expect(t.taskReference).toEqual( expect(sol.description.trim()).toBeTruthy() expect( }) } }) describe('task assignment (exact match)', () => { const assignmentDir = resolve(__dirname, "example_assignments") const assignmentFiles = readdirSync(assignmentDir) for (const a of assignmentFiles) { const [_, id] = /(.*?)\.html/.exec(a)! test(id, async () => { const assignment = await g.grabAssignment(id) const expected = readFileSync(resolve(assignmentDir, a)).toString() try { expect(assignment.description.trim()).toEqual(expected.trim()) } catch(e) { console.warn(assignment.description) throw e } }) } }) describe('task solution (exact match)', () => { const assignmentDir = resolve(__dirname, "example_solutions") const assignmentFiles = readdirSync(assignmentDir) for (const a of assignmentFiles) { const [_, id] = /(.*?)\.html/.exec(a)! test(id, async () => { const solution = await g.grabSolution(id) const expected = readFileSync(resolve(assignmentDir, a)).toString() try { expect(solution.description.trim()).toEqual(expected.trim()) } catch(e) { console.log(solution.description) throw e } }) } })