Telefonní systém kosmické lodi Hipporion ze SKSP2019
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
4.6 KiB

5 years ago
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha1_hex);
use Encode;
use Text::Unidecode;
mkdir "tftp/Phones";
my $fh;
my %config;
open $fh, '<', 'config.txt' or die "Cannot read file config: $!\n";
while (<$fh>) {
my ($key, $value) = split /=/, $_, 2;
$config{$key} = $value;
close $fh;
my $server_ip = $config{server_ip};
my $ip_template = $server_ip;
$ip_template =~ s/\.[^.]*$//;
my $fake_second_half = $config{fake_year};
my $sipdefault_reflash = <<"EOD";
image_version: P0S3-8-12-00
phone_password: $config{telnet_pass}
encrypt_key: 00000000000000000000000000000000
telnet_level: 2
tftp_cfg_dir: ""
chomp $sipdefault_reflash;
open my $phones_fh, '<', 'phones.txt' or die "Cannot read file phones.txt: $!\n";
open my $ast_fh, '>', 'etc_asterisk/pjsip_wizard_phones.conf' or die "Cannot create file etc_asterisk/pjsip_wizard_phones.conf: $!\n";
open my $dnsmasq_fh, '>', 'etc_dnsmasq.d/phones.conf' or die "Cannot create file etc_dnsmasq.d/phones.conf: $!\n";
open my $directory_fh, '>', 'www/directory.txt' or die "Cannot create file www/directory.txt: $!\n";
open my $voicemail_fh, '>', 'etc_asterisk/voicemail_gen.conf' or die "Cannot create file etc_asterisk/voicemail_gen.conf: $!\n";
print $ast_fh "; This is autogenerated file, do not edit it!\n";
print $dnsmasq_fh "# This is autogenerated file, do not edit it!\n";
print $directory_fh "# This is autogenerated file, do not edit it!\n";
print $voicemail_fh "; This is autogenerated file, do not edit it!\n";
while (<$phones_fh>) {
chomp $_;
next if $_ =~ /^(?:#|$)/;
$_ =~ s/#.*//;
$_ =~ s/\s*$//;
my ($line, $mac, $alias, $name) = split /\s+/, $_, 4;
die "Invalid line $.: $_\n" unless defined $name;
$mac = uc $mac;
my $name_latin1 = $name;
Encode::from_to($name_latin1, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', sub { unidecode(chr($_[0])) });
$line =~ /^[2-9][0-9]$/ or die "Invalid LINE $line on line $.: $_\n";
$alias =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,20}$/ or die "Invalid ALIAS $alias on line $.: $_\n";
length $name_latin1 <= 30 or die "Too long NAME $name on line $.: $_\n";
my $parent = ($line =~ /^2[0-9]$/) ? 'org_phone' : 'participant_phone';
my $pass = substr(hmac_sha1_hex($line, $config{hmac_key}), 0, 12);
my $cisco_fh;
my $ciscofile;
if ($mac ne '-') {
$mac =~ /^(?:[0-9A-F]{2}:){5}[0-9A-F]{2}$/ or die "Invalid MAC $mac on line $.: $_\n";
$ciscofile = $mac;
$ciscofile =~ s/://g;
open $cisco_fh, '>', "tftp/Phones/SIP$ciscofile.cnf" or die "Cannot create file tftp/Phones/SIP$ciscofile.cnf: $!\n";
print $cisco_fh <<"EOD";
# This is autogenerated file, do not edit it!
phone_label: "$fake_second_half Klapka $line "
phone_prompt: "Telnet phone $line"
proxy_register: 1
proxy1_address: $server_ip
proxy1_port: 5060
line1_name: $line
line1_authname: $line
line1_password: $pass
line1_displayname: "$alias"
line1_shortname: "$name_latin1"
sntp_server: $server_ip
sntp_mode: unicast
services_url: http://$server_ip/services.xml
directory_url: http://$server_ip/directory.xml
logo_url: http://$server_ip/logo.bmp
messages_uri: 131
telnet_level: 2
close $fh;
print $ast_fh <<"EOD";
inbound_auth/username = $line
inbound_auth/password = $pass
endpoint/mailboxes = $line
if ($parent eq 'participant_phone') {
print $ast_fh <<"EOD";
inbound_auth/username = emerg$line
inbound_auth/password = $pass
if ($mac ne '-') {
print $cisco_fh <<"EOD"
proxy2_address: $server_ip
proxy2_port: 5060
line2_name: emerg$line
line2_authname: emerg$line
line2_password: $pass
line2_displayname: "Emergency $line"
line2_shortname: " "
} else {
if ($mac ne '-') {
print $cisco_fh <<"EOD"
dnd_control: 0
if ($mac ne '-') {
close $cisco_fh;
open $fh, '>', "tftp_reflash/SIP$ciscofile.cnf" or die "Cannot create file tftp_reflash/SIP$ciscofile.cnf: $!\n";
print $fh <<"EOD";
# This is autogenerated file, do not edit it!
proxy_register: 0
line1_name: $line
if ($mac ne '-') {
print $dnsmasq_fh <<"EOD";
print $directory_fh <<"EOD";
print $voicemail_fh <<"EOD"
$line => 0000,$name
close $phones_fh;
close $ast_fh;
close $dnsmasq_fh;
close $directory_fh;
close $voicemail_fh;
open $fh, '>', 'tftp_reflash/SIPDefault.cnf' or die "Cannot create file tftp_reflash/SIPDefault.cnf: $!\n";
print $fh <<"EOD";
# This is autogenerated file, do not edit it!
close $fh;
open $fh, '>', 'tftp/RINGLIST.DAT' or die "Cannot create file tftp/RINGLIST.DAT: $!\n";
foreach (<tftp/RingTones/*.pcm>) {
$_ =~ m{^tftp/(RingTones/(.*)\.pcm)$};
my ($file, $name) = ($1, $2);
$name =~ s/_/ /g;
print $fh "$name\t$file\n";
close $fh;