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2024-09-14 21:50:33 +02:00
# A simple unit testing script
# (c) 2004--2013 Martin Mares <>
# (c) 2007 Pavel Charvat <>
# Tests in the test file have a syntax similar to mail headers,
# individual test case are separated by blank lines and they can contain
# the following fields:
# Name: name of the case (default: sequence number since start of file)
# Run: command to run (default: command from the previous test case)
# This can be an arbitrary shell pipeline, sequences $0 to $9 are
# replaced by file names of In<N> or Out<N> files (see below).
# In: lines to pass to the program as standard input
# Out: lines to expect at the program's standard output
# Err: lines to expect at the program's standard error output
# In<N>: lines to pass to the program as input file <N>
# Out<N>: lines to expect from the program in output file <N>
# Both In<N> and Out<N> can be specified simultaneously if we
# are testing a program which modifies some of its input files.
# Exit: expected exit code of the program (default: 0)
# A value of a field can be optionally given as a shell-style here-document:
# In <<AMEN
# multiple
# lines
# of input
use Getopt::Long;
my $verbose = 0;
my $rundir = ".";
GetOptions("verbose!" => \$verbose,
"rundir=s" => \$rundir)
or die "Usage: tester [--verbose] [--rundir=<dir>] <tests>\n";
my @tests = ();
my $tt;
my $append_to;
while (<>) {
/^#/ && next;
if (/^\s*$/) {
$tt = undef;
$append_to = undef;
} elsif (defined($append_to) && /^\s+(.*)$/) {
$$append_to .= "\n$1";
} elsif (my ($n,$v) = /^(\w+):\s+(.*)$/) {
if (!$tt) {
$tt = {};
push @tests, $tt;
($tt->{$n}) && die "$n already defined";
$tt->{$n} = $v;
$append_to = \($tt->{$n});
} elsif (my ($n,$sep) = /^(\w+)\s*<<(\w+)\s*$/) {
if (!$tt) {
$tt = {};
push @tests, $tt;
($tt->{$n}) && die "$n already defined";
$tt->{$n} = "";
$sep .= "\n";
while (1) {
my $line = <>;
defined $line or die "Here-document not terminated";
last if $line eq $sep;
$tt->{$n} .= $line;
chomp $tt->{$n};
} else {
die "Test script syntax error";
if (! -d "$rundir/tmp") {
mkdir "$rundir/tmp" or die "Unable to create $rundir/tmp: $!";
my $i = 0;
my $errors = 0;
my $prev_run = undef;
TEST: foreach $tt (@tests) {
my $name = $tt->{'Name'};
printf "Test %03d", $i;
print " [$name]" if defined $name;
print ": ";
$run = ($tt->{'Run'} || $prev_run) or die "Don't know what to run";
$prev_run = $run;
my @out_files = ();
my @out_checks = ();
my $redirs = "";
if (defined $tt->{'In'}) {
my $ifi = "tmp/test$";
open X, ">$rundir/$ifi" or die "Unable to create $ifi";
print X $tt->{'In'}, "\n";
close X;
$redirs .= " <$ifi";
} else {
$redirs .= " </dev/null";
if (defined $tt->{'Out'}) {
my $ofi = "tmp/test$i.out";
unlink "$rundir/$ofi";
$redirs .= " >$ofi";
push @out_files, $ofi;
push @out_checks, $tt->{'Out'};
} else {
$redirs .= " >/dev/null";
if (defined $tt->{'Err'}) {
my $efi = "tmp/test$i.err";
unlink "$rundir/$efi";
$redirs .= " 2>$efi";
push @out_files, $efi;
push @out_checks, $tt->{'Err'};
foreach my $arg (0..9) {
my $f = "tmp/test$i.$arg";
if (defined $tt->{"Out$arg"}) {
unlink "$rundir/$f";
push @out_files, $f;
push @out_checks, $tt->{"Out$arg"};
if (defined $tt->{"In$arg"}) {
open X, ">$rundir/$f" or die "Unable to create $f";
print X $tt->{"In$arg"}, "\n";
close X;
$run =~ s/\$(\d)/tmp\/test$i.$1/g;
print "(running $run) " if $verbose;
system "cd $rundir && ( $run ) $redirs";
if ($? % 256) {
print "FAILED with status code $?\n";
my $ec = $? / 256;
my $expect_ec = $tt->{'Exit'} || 0;
if ($ec != $expect_ec) {
print "FAILED: unexpected exit code $ec\n";
for (my $i=0; $i<=$#out_files; $i++) {
my $ofi = $out_files[$i];
open X, "<$rundir/$ofi" or die "Unable to read $ofi";
my $out;
local $/ = undef;
$out = <X>;
close X;
$out =~ /\n$/s or $out .= "\n";
if ($out ne $out_checks[$i] . "\n") {
print "FAILED (see $ofi)\n";
next TEST;
system "rm -f $rundir/tmp/test$i.*";
print "OK\n";
exit !!$errors;