Workshop o mikrokontrolérech na SKSP 2024.
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3 months ago
# Perl module for UCW Configure Scripts
# (c) 2005--2010 Martin Mares <>
# This software may be freely distributed and used according to the terms
# of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
package UCW::Configure;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
# The somewhat hairy Perl export mechanism
use Exporter();
$VERSION = 1.0;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&Init &Log &Notice &Warn &Fail &IsSet &IsGiven &Set &UnSet &Append &Override &Get &Test &TestBool &Include &Finish &FindFile &TryFindFile &DebugDump &PostConfig &AtWrite);
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
our %vars;
our %overriden;
our @postconfigs;
our @atwrites;
sub DebugDump() {
print "VARS:\n";
print "$_: $vars{$_}\n" foreach( keys %vars );
sub Log($) {
print @_;
sub Notice($) {
print @_ if $vars{"VERBOSE"};
sub Warn($) {
print "WARNING: ", @_;
sub Fail($) {
Log("ERROR: " . (shift @_) . "\n");
exit 1;
sub IsSet($) {
my ($x) = @_;
return exists $vars{$x};
sub IsGiven($) {
my ($x) = @_;
return exists $overriden{$x};
sub Get($) {
my ($x) = @_;
return $vars{$x};
sub Set($;$) {
my ($x,$y) = @_;
$y=1 unless defined $y;
$vars{$x}=$y unless $overriden{$x};
sub UnSet($) {
my ($x) = @_;
delete $vars{$x} unless $overriden{$x};
sub Append($$) {
my ($x,$y) = @_;
Set($x, (IsSet($x) ? (Get($x) . " $y") : $y));
sub Override($;$) {
my ($x,$y) = @_;
$y=1 unless defined $y;
$overriden{$x} = 1;
sub Test($$$) {
my ($var,$msg,$sub) = @_;
Log "$msg ... ";
if (IsSet($var)) {
Log Get($var) . " (preset)\n";
} else {
my $val = &$sub();
Set($var, $val);
Log "$val\n";
sub TestBool($$$) {
my ($var,$msg,$sub) = @_;
Log "$msg ... ";
if (IsSet($var) || IsGiven($var)) {
Log ((Get($var) ? "yes" : "no") . " (set)\n");
} else {
my ($val, $comment) = &$sub();
if ($val) {
} else {
Log (($val ? "yes" : "no") . "\n");
sub TryFindFile($) {
my ($f) = @_;
if ($f =~ m{^/}) {
return (-f $f) ? $f : undef;
} elsif (-f $f) {
return "./$f";
} elsif (-f (Get("SRCDIR")."/$f")) {
return Get("SRCDIR")."/$f";
} else {
return undef;
sub FindFile($) {
my ($f) = @_;
my $F;
defined ($F = TryFindFile($f)) or Fail "Cannot find file $f";
return $F;
sub Init($$) {
my ($srcdir,$defconfig) = @_;
sub usage($) {
my ($dc) = @_;
print STDERR "Usage: [<srcdir>/]configure " . (defined $dc ? "[" : "") . "<config-name>" . (defined $dc ? "]" : "") .
" [<option>[=<value>] | -<option>] ...\n";
exit 1;
Set('CONFIG' => $defconfig) if defined $defconfig;
if (@ARGV) {
usage($defconfig) if $ARGV[0] eq "--help";
if (!defined($defconfig) || $ARGV[0] !~ /^-?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*(=|$)/) {
# This does not look like an option, so read it as a file name
Set('CONFIG' => shift @ARGV);
Set("SRCDIR", $srcdir);
foreach my $x (@ARGV) {
if ($x =~ /^(\w+)=(.*)/) {
Override($1 => $2);
} elsif ($x =~ /^-(\w+)$/) {
Override($1 => 0);
delete $vars{$1};
} elsif ($x =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
Override($1 => 1);
} else {
print STDERR "Invalid option $x\n";
exit 1;
defined Get("CONFIG") or usage($defconfig);
if (!TryFindFile(Get("CONFIG"))) {
TryFindFile(Get("CONFIG")."/config") or Fail "Cannot find configuration " . Get("CONFIG");
Override("CONFIG" => Get("CONFIG")."/config");
sub Include($) {
my ($f) = @_;
$f = FindFile($f);
Notice "Loading configuration $f\n";
require $f;
sub PostConfig(&) {
unshift @postconfigs, $_[0];
sub AtWrite(&) {
unshift @atwrites, $_[0];
sub Finish() {
for my $post (@postconfigs) {
print "\n";
if (Get("SRCDIR") ne ".") {
Log "Preparing for compilation from directory " . Get("SRCDIR") . " to obj/ ... ";
-l "src" and unlink "src";
symlink Get("SRCDIR"), "src" or Fail "Cannot link source directory to src: $!";
Override("SRCDIR" => "src");
-l "Makefile" and unlink "Makefile";
-f "Makefile" and Fail "Makefile already exists";
symlink "src/Makefile", "Makefile" or Fail "Cannot link Makefile: $!";
} else {
Log "Preparing for compilation from current directory to obj/ ... ";
if (-d "obj") {
`rm -rf obj`; Fail "Cannot delete old obj directory" if $?;
-d "obj" or mkdir("obj", 0777) or Fail "Cannot create obj directory: $!";
-d "obj/ucw" or mkdir("obj/ucw", 0777) or Fail "Cannot create obj/ucw directory: $!";
Log "done\n";
Log "Generating ... ";
open X, ">obj/" or Fail $!;
print X "# Generated automatically by $0, please don't touch manually.\n";
foreach my $x (sort keys %vars) {
print X "$x=$vars{$x}\n";
print X "s=\${SRCDIR}\n";
print X "o=obj\n";
close X;
Log "done\n";
for my $wr (@atwrites) {
1; # OK