#!/usr/bin/perl # Search for symbols which might need renaming # (c) 2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> use common::sense; sub symbol { my ($sym) = @_; return if $sym =~ m{^(ucw|ucwlib)_}; print "$sym\n"; } sub parse { my ($file) = @_; print "# $file\n"; open my $f, '<', $file or die; while (<$f>) { chomp; # Interpret special comments m{// NOAPI} and next; if (m{// API: (\w+)}) { print "$1\n"; next; } # Find things which look like top-level declarations s{//.*}{}; s{/\*.*}{}; /^\s/ and next; /^$/ and next; /^#/ and next; /^{/ and next; /}/ and next; /^"/ and next; /^-/ and next; # Magic for ucw/getopt.h /^\w+:/ and next; # Labels in inline functions /^typedef\s/ and next; /^static\s/ and next; /^(struct|union|enum)(\s+\w+)?(;|\s*{)/ and next; # print "$_\n"; # Try to parse the declaration s{\[[^\]]*\]}{}g; # Delete array sizes if (m{^extern [^,]*(\s+\**\w+(,\s+\**\w+)*);}) { my $x = $1; $x =~ s{[,*]}{}g; symbol $_ for grep { !/^$/ } split /\s+/, $x; } elsif (m{( |\*)(\w+)\(}) { symbol($2); } else { print "??? $_\n"; } } close $f; } my %blacklist = map { $_ => 1 } qw( ucw/binheap.h ucw/char-map.h ucw/ff-binary.h ucw/gbuf.h ucw/hashtable.h ucw/kmp.h ucw/kmp-search.h ucw/redblack.h ucw/str-match.h ucw/strtonum.h ucw/strtonum-gen.h ucw/trie.h charset/charconv-gen.h charset/chartable.h charset/U-cat.h charset/U-ligatures.h charset/U-lower.h charset/U-unacc.h charset/U-upper.h images/image-walk.h images/scale-gen.h ); for my $f (<ucw/*.h>, <ucw/sorter/common.h>, <charset/*.h>, <images/*.h>, <ucw-xml/*.h>, <ucw-json/*.h>) { next if $blacklist{$f}; parse($f); }