221 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable file
221 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable file
# Script for extracting documentation out of header files
# (c) 2008 Michal Vaner <vorner@ucw.cz>
use strict;
use warnings;
my( $inname, $outname, $depname, $basedir, $defdump ) = @ARGV;
if( defined $inname ) {
open IN, $inname or die "Could not read $inname ($!)\n";
} else {
open IN, "<&STDIN" or die "Could not read stdin ($!)\n";
if( defined $outname ) {
open OUT, ">$outname" or die "Could not write $outname ($!)\n";
} else {
open OUT, ">&STDOUT" or die "Could not write to stdout ($!)\n";
my $hasdump;
if( defined $defdump ) {
open DUMP, ">$defdump" or die "Could not write definition dump $defdump ($!)\n";
$hasdump = 1;
# Function to guess type of statement
sub detect( $ ) {
( $_ ) = @_;
# typedef struct|enum { something } name;
return( $1, 1, $2, "typedef $1 { ... } $2;" ) if /^\s*typedef\s+(struct|enum)\s*{.*}\s*(\w+)\s*;\s*$/s;
# struct|enum name { something };
return( $1, 1, $2, $_ ) if /^\s*(struct|enum)\s+(\w+)\s*;\s*$/s;
my $l = length;
# struct|enum name {
# something
# };
return( $1, 0, $2, $_ ) if /(struct|enum)\s+(\w+)\s+{/;
return( 'def', 0, $1, $_ ) if /#define\s+(\w+)/;
if( $l > length ) {
warn( "Unknown multiline statement $_\n" );
return( '', 0, $_, $_ );
# typedef type (*function_type)(params);
return( 'type', 1, $2, $_ ) if /^\s*typedef[^()]+?(\(\s*?\*\s*?)?(\w+)(\s*\))?\s*\(.*\)/;
# type (*function_var)(params);
return( 'var', 1, $1, $_ ) if /^.*?\(\*(\w+)\)\(.*\)/;
# type function(name);
return( 'fun', 1, $2, $1 ) if /^(.*?(\w+)\([^{]*\)[^{]*)/;
# typedef something name;
return( 'type', 1, $1, $_ ) if /^\s*typedef.*?(\w+);/;
# type name;
return( 'var', 1, $1, $_ ) if /\s\**(\w+);/;
warn( "Unknown statement $_\n" );
return( '', 0, $_, $_ );
my @deps;
my $id = 0;
sub formatNote( $$ ) {
my( $head, $comment ) = @_;
$head =~ s/(\S)[ ]+/$1 /g;
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "''''\n";
chomp $head;
my( $type, $semicolon, $name, $oneline ) = detect( $head );
# Just few transformations of the result
$oneline =~ s/\s+$//;
$oneline =~ s/;?$/;/ if( $semicolon );
$head =~ s/;?\s*$/;/ if( $semicolon );
$head =~ s/(\s|,|\()(\.\.\.)/$1\\$2/g; # Do not convert tripple dot into ellipsis
print OUT "[[${type}_$name]]\n";
$head = $oneline if $type eq 'fun';#Remove { from inline functions
# Remove the generic hack markup
$head =~ s/_OPEN_PAREN_/(/g;
$head =~ s/_CLOSE_PAREN_/)/g;
print OUT "..................\n";
print OUT "$head\n";
print OUT "..................\n\n";
if( $hasdump ) {
$oneline =~ s/_OPEN_PAREN_/(/g;
$oneline =~ s/_CLOSE_PAREN_/)/g;
my $symname = $type.'_'.$name;
$name =~ s/_OPEN_PAREN_/(/g;
$name =~ s/_CLOSE_PAREN_/)/g;
print DUMP "$outname,$symname,$type,$name,$oneline\n";
$id ++;
$comment =~ s/_OPEN_PAREN_/(/g;
$comment =~ s/_CLOSE_PAREN_/)/g;
$comment =~ s/_GENERIC_LINK_\|([^|]+)\|([^|]+)\|/${1}_OPEN_PAREN_${2}_CLOSE_PAREN_/g;
print OUT "$comment\n\n";
sub process( $$ ) {
my( $file, $prefixes ) = @_;
open FILE, $file or die "Could nod read $file ($!)\n";
my $line;
my $active;
my $verbatim;
my $buff;
my $head;
my $struct;
my $def;
my $sdepth;
while( defined( $line = <FILE> ) ) {
chomp $line;
# Generic macro hack - replaces the parenthesis so it is valid identifier
$line =~ s/$_\(([^()]+)\)/${_}_OPEN_PAREN_${1}_CLOSE_PAREN_/g foreach @{$prefixes};
if( $def ) {
$head .= "\n".$line;
$line =~ s/(\/\*.*?\*\/|\/\/.*)//g;
if( $line !~ /\\\s*$/ ) {
formatNote( $head, $buff );
$def = 0;
$buff = $head = undef;
} elsif( $struct ) {
$head .= "\n".$line;
my $cp = $line;
$sdepth += ($cp =~ tr/{//);
$sdepth -= ($cp =~ tr/}//);
if( !$sdepth ) {
formatNote( $head, $buff );
$struct = 0;
$buff = undef;
$head = undef;
} elsif( $verbatim ) {
if( $line =~ /\*\// ) {
$verbatim = 0;
print OUT "\n";
} else {
$line =~ s/^\s*\* ?//;
print OUT "$line\n";
} elsif( $active ) {
if( $line =~ /\*\// ) {
$active = 0;
} else {
$line =~ s/^\s*\* ?//;
$buff .= "$line\n";
} else {
if( ( $line =~ /\S/ ) && ( defined $buff ) ) {
if( $line =~ /^\s*#define.*\\(\s*(\/\/.*|\/\*.*?\*\/|))*/ ) {
$head = $line;
$def = 1;
} elsif( $line =~ /\(/ || $line !~ /{/ || $line =~ /^\s*#define/ ) {
$_ = $line;
formatNote( $_, $buff );
$head = undef;
$buff = undef;
} else {
$head = $line;
$struct = $sdepth = 1;
} elsif( ( $buff ) = ( $line =~ /\/\*\*\*(.*)\*\*\*\// ) ) {
$buff =~ s/^\s?//;
print OUT "$buff\n\n";
$buff = undef;
} elsif( ( $buff ) = ( $line =~ /^\s*\/\*\*(.*)\*\*\// ) ) {
$buff =~ s/^\s*//;
$buff .= "\n";
} elsif( ( $head, $buff ) = ( $line =~ /^(.*)\/\*\*(.*)\*\*\// ) ) {
$buff =~ s/^\s*//;
$buff =~ s/\s*$//;
if( $head =~ /\(/ || $head !~ /{/ || $head =~/}/ ) {
$head =~ s/^\s*//;
$head =~ s/\/\*.*?\*\///gs;
formatNote( $head, $buff );
$head = undef;
$buff = undef;
} else {
$struct = $sdepth = 1;
} elsif( $line =~ /\/\*\*\*/ ) {
$verbatim = 1;
} elsif( $line =~ /\/\*\*/ ) {
$active = 1;
close FILE;
my $line;
while( defined( $line = <IN> ) ) {
chomp $line;
my $prefixes;
if( my( $fname, $prefixes ) = ( $line =~ /^!!\s*(\S+)(.*)/ ) ) {
$fname = "$basedir/$fname" if( ( $fname !~ /^\// ) && defined $basedir );
process( $fname, [ ( map( {
my( $result ) = /^\s*(.*\S)\s*$/;
} ( split /,/, $prefixes ) ) ) ] );
push @deps, $fname;
} else {
print OUT "$line\n";
if( defined $depname ) {
open DEP, ">>$depname" or die "Could not write dep file $depname ($!)\n";
print DEP "$outname:";
print DEP " $_" foreach( @deps );
print DEP "\n";
if( $hasdump ) {
print DEP "$defdump:";
print DEP " $_" foreach( @deps );
print DEP "\n";
close DEP;
close IN;
close OUT;
close DUMP;