2024-09-14 21:50:33 +02:00

247 lines
7.9 KiB

# Configuration of the UCW library and related utilities
######## Memory Mapped Access to Files ##########################################
# Whenever you specify 0 for I/O buffer size, memory mapping is used instead.
FBMMap {
# Map this many bytes at once (needs to be a multiple of CPU page size)
WindowSize 1M
# When in need to extend a file, grow it by so many bytes (>= page size)
ExtendSize 1M
######## Direct Streamed I/O on Files ###########################################
FBDirect {
# Debug: Cheat by turning off O_DIRECT
#Cheat 1
######## Atomic Multi-Threaded I/O on Files #####################################
FBAtomic {
# Enable tracing
#Trace 1
######## Parametrized I/O on Files ##############################################
FBParam {
Defaults {
# Access type (std|direct|mmap).
Type std
# Size of I/O buffer. Something of the order of megabytes for fast disks is recommended for direct I/O.
BufSize 64K
# Optimize for mixed forward/backward reading (standard I/O only)
KeepBackBuf 0
# Perform read-ahead (direct I/O only)
ReadAhead 1
# Maximum number of write-back requests queued (direct I/O only)
WriteBack 1
######## Temporary files ########################################################
Tempfiles {
# By default, we use the system's default temporary directory ($TMPDIR or /tmp),
# but sometimes it is better to store the temporary files in the local tree.
# Prefix of temporary file names
Prefix temp-
# By default, we append a random number to Prefix to get a temporary file name.
# If Prefix points to a directory that is not writable by malicious users,
# we can be less careful and use more consistent names of temporary files
# formed by adding "pid(-tid)-counter" instead.
PublicDir 0
######## Threads ################################################################
Threads {
# Default thread stack size
DefaultStackSize 64K
######## Sorter #################################################################
Sorter {
# Trace sorting (1=basic statistics, 2=more stats, 3 and more for debugging)
Trace 2
# Trace array sorting (internal sorters)
TraceArray 0
# How much memory is the sorter allowed to use
SortBuffer 4M
# File access used by the sorter (see FBParam section for details)
FileAccess std 256K
# Use a different file access method for small inputs (less than the specified size)
SmallFileAccess std 64K
SmallInput 64M
# Min-/Maximum number of bits to use in the external radix-sort (beware, we will open
# 1+2^this files and require a stream buffer for each of them; however, while we are
# doing that, the sort buffer is not allocated). Set both to zero to disable radix-sorting.
MinRadixBits 2
MaxRadixBits 4
# The same for multi-way merging. The memory requirements are also the same,
# but please keep in mind that this can create lots of SortBuffer-sized files,
# so it is probably better to keep it disabled if you have a small SortBuffer.
MinMultiwayBits 2
MaxMultiwayBits 4
# If we did not use radix-sorter to the full width, we still might add some more
# bits to the width to get chunks which are even smaller than SortBuffer, because
# it can speed up internal sorting later. However, we also want to avoid small
# files, so we add only a little.
AddRadixBits 2
# Number of threads used for sorting (0=disable threading)
Threads 0
# Minimum size of input (in bytes) to consider multi-threaded internal sorting
ThreadThreshold 1M
# Chunks smaller than ThreadThreshold are sorted by a sequential algorithm, but
# if they are at least of the following size, different chunks are sorted in
# parallel. There is a slight space penalty for setting up the parallel process,
# so better avoid setting this number too small.
ThreadChunk 256
# Internal radix-sort stops at this size and switches to QuickSort (must be >0)
RadixThreshold 4K
# Debugging switches (see the source)
Debug 0
######## URL processing #########################################################
# Ignore spaces at the start/end of a URL
IgnoreSpaces 1
# Ignore underflows in relative paths (/../ from root)
IgnoreUnderflow 1
# Some URL's with many repeated components are filtered out to avoid infinite
# URL's (e.g., or
#, ...).
# The URL is split to components divided by any of the specified separators.
# Then the separators are forgotten and the components between them are
# examined.
ComponentSeparators /&?
# URL is filtered out if there's a sequence of components in a row with at most
# MaxRepeatLength components and the sequence is repeated more than MinRepeatCount
# times. Default values are high MinRepeatCount and low MaxRepeatLength, so the
# mechanism is disabled.
MinRepeatCount 4
MaxRepeatLength 4
# Maximum number of occurences of a single component in the entire URL (possibly interleaved
# by different components). The detector is disabled by default.
MaxOccurences 4
######## Logging ################################################################
Logging {
# In this section, you can define various logging streams which can be referred to by other sections.
# Stream {
# # The name of the stream
# Name test-log
# # When it should log the messages to a file, a name of the file should be specified.
# # Escape sequences for current date and time as described in strftime(3) can be used.
# FileName log/test-%Y%m%d
# # If you need to log to stderr or another already opened descriptor, you can specify its number.
# FileDesc 2
# # Instead of a file, a syslog facility can be specified. See syslog(3) for an explanation.
# SyslogFacility daemon
# # You can request that syslog includes a process ID in each message. Due to inflexibility
# # of the syslog protocol, all syslog streams active at a moment must agree on this setting.
# # (default: 0)
# SyslogPID 1
# # When logging to files, timestamps with microsecond precision can be requested. (default: 0)
# Microseconds 1
# # Messages logged to this stream can be restricted to a subset of severity levels.
# # Available levels are: debug info warn error info_r warn_r error_r fatal.
# # This configuration item is a bitmap with a default of "all", so we need the ":reset" operator.
# Levels:reset info warn error fatal
# # Similarly, messages can be restricted to a subset of message types. The types are
# # specific for each program. This configuration item is a list of type names; by default
# # it is empty, which is equivalent to all types being enabled.
# Types:reset default foo
# # Should the message types be logged? They usually do not carry much useful
# # information for the viewer of the log, so they are not included by default,
# # but you might want to see them when tuning the Types setting. (default: 0)
# ShowTypes 1
# # If an error occurs when logging a message to this stream, the program normally
# # logs a special error message to the other streams and continues running. You can
# # however request to exit the program in such cases, so that the log files are
# # guaranteed to be complete. (default: 0)
# ErrorsFatal 1
# # Let stderr of the program point to this file-based log_stream (default: 0)
# StdErrFollows 1
# # Some events are logworthy, but they could happen too frequently and flood the log.
# # You can avoid the flooding by setting up a rate limiter for a specific subset of
# # message types. If more limiters match the type of a message, only the last one applies.
# Limit {
# # A list of message types (default: empty = all types)
# Types default foo
# # The maximum allowed sustained rate (messages/second, may be fractional)
# Rate 1
# # Maximum length of a burst temporarily exceeding the rate (default: try to guess)
# Burst 2
# }
# # The messages that have passed the filters and limiters can be forwarded to other
# # log streams. Logging loops are not healthy for your program :) (a list of stream names)
# Substream another-stream
# }