Řešení KSP úlohy 33-3-4 Obsazování území https://ksp.mff.cuni.cz/h/ulohy/33/zadani3.html#task-33-3-4
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use db::{SqliteLayoutDB, SavedLayout};
use city::{City, House};
use itertools::Itertools;
use crate::combine::transpose_layout;
mod city;
mod db;
mod combine;
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
enum LastStep {
None, Vertical, Horizontal
fn main() {
let mut db = SqliteLayoutDB::from_file("layouts.sqlite").expect("Failed to load the DB");
eprintln!("Loaded the DB, {} stored layouts", db.layouts().len());
let city = City::read_from_file("01.in", city::INPUT_CITY_WIDTH, city::INPUT_CITY_HEIGHT);
eprintln!("Loaded the city file, {} houses", city.get_house_count());
eprintln!("Building a transposed city...");
let transposed_city = transpose_city(&city);
eprintln!("Finished building a transposed city");
const TOP_LAYOUT_COUNT: usize = 1500;
let mut cache = combine::CompatibilityCache::new();
let mut last_improve_step = LastStep::None;
loop {
if last_improve_step == LastStep::Vertical { break; }
eprintln!("Starting to combine {} top houses DB; vertical cuts", TOP_LAYOUT_COUNT);
let sorted: Vec<SavedLayout> = db.layouts().iter()
.sorted_by(|x, y| city::get_price(&city, x.houses()).cmp(&city::get_price(&city, y.houses())))
.map(|layout| (*layout).clone())
let chosen_layouts: Vec<_> = sorted.into_iter().take(TOP_LAYOUT_COUNT).collect();
if combine::create_new_best_combination(&city, &chosen_layouts, &chosen_layouts, &mut db, &mut cache, false) {
last_improve_step = LastStep::Vertical;
eprintln!("Finished vertical cuts, improvement: {}", last_improve_step == LastStep::Vertical);
if last_improve_step == LastStep::Horizontal { break; }
let sorted: Vec<SavedLayout> = db.layouts().iter()
.sorted_by(|x, y| city::get_price(&city, x.houses()).cmp(&city::get_price(&city, y.houses())))
.map(|layout| (*layout).clone())
let chosen_layouts: Vec<_> = sorted.into_iter().take(TOP_LAYOUT_COUNT).collect();
let transposed_chosen_layouts: Vec<_> = chosen_layouts.iter().map(|x| transpose_saved_layout(x)).collect();
eprintln!("Starting to combine {} top houses DB; horizontal cuts", TOP_LAYOUT_COUNT);
if combine::create_new_best_combination(&transposed_city, &transposed_chosen_layouts, &transposed_chosen_layouts, &mut db, &mut cache, true) {
last_improve_step = LastStep::Horizontal;
eprintln!("Finished horizontal cuts, improvement: {}", last_improve_step == LastStep::Horizontal);
if last_improve_step == LastStep::None { break; }
fn transpose_city(city: &City) -> City {
let mut transposed_prices = vec![0u16; city.width() * city.height()];
for y in 0..city.height() {
for x in 0..city.width() {
// Sorry, cache! Not worth optimizing with blocks,
// this is not going to be ran often.
transposed_prices[x * city.height() + y] = city.get_price_xy(x, y);
City::new(transposed_prices, city.height(), city.width())
fn transpose_saved_layout(layout: &SavedLayout) -> SavedLayout {
let mut transposed = Vec::new();
for house in layout.houses() {
transposed.push(House::new(house.y, house.x));
SavedLayout::new(layout.id(), transposed)