Řešení KSP úlohy 33-3-4 Obsazování území https://ksp.mff.cuni.cz/h/ulohy/33/zadani3.html#task-33-3-4
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69 lines
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use rand::prelude::{StdRng, SliceRandom};
use rand::{SeedableRng, Rng, thread_rng};
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use city::{HouseLayout, City, House};
mod optimization;
mod population;
mod city;
fn main() {
let city = City::read_from_file("01.in");
let mut best_price: Option<u32> = None;
loop {
let seed: u64 = thread_rng().gen();
eprintln!("Starting seed {}", seed);
let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed);
let mut layout = HouseLayout::new(&city);
eprintln!("Starting random population...");
population::populate_random(&mut layout, &mut rng);
eprintln!("Finished random init, price: {}", layout.price());
loop {
let mut improved = false;
eprintln!("Starting moving individual houses...");
if optimization::improve_move_individual_houses(&mut layout, &mut rng) {
dump_layout(&layout, &mut best_price, seed);
improved = true;
eprintln!("Finished moving individual houses...");
eprintln!("Starting pairwise house merge...");
if optimization::improve_merge_pairwise(&mut layout) {
dump_layout(&layout, &mut best_price, seed);
improved = true;
eprintln!("Finished pairwise house merge");
if !improved {
fn print_houses(houses: &Vec<House>) {
println!("{}", houses.len());
for house in houses {
println!("{} {}", house.y, house.x);
fn dump_layout(layout: &HouseLayout, best_price: &mut Option<u32>, seed: u64) {
let price = layout.price();
if best_price.is_none() || price < best_price.unwrap() {
*best_price = Some(price);
eprintln!("Printing {} - new best", price);
println!("New best!");
println!("Price {}, seed {}", price, seed);
} else {
eprintln!("Printing {}", price);
println!("Price {}, seed {}", price, seed);