Řešení KSP úlohy 33-3-4 Obsazování území https://ksp.mff.cuni.cz/h/ulohy/33/zadani3.html#task-33-3-4
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77 lines
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use rand::Rng;
use crate::city::{SIZE, House, HouseLayout, City};
use rand::prelude::*;
use crate::db::LayoutDB;
use crate::city;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Add;
use itertools::Itertools;
use rand::distributions::WeightedIndex;
pub fn populate_random(layout: &mut HouseLayout, rng: &mut StdRng) {
loop {
loop {
let x = rng.gen_range(0..SIZE);
let y = rng.gen_range(0..SIZE);
let house = House::new(x, y);
if layout.city.is_house_xy(x, y) && !layout.is_covered(house) {
if layout.is_valid() {
pub fn build_house_probabilities(city: &City, db: &LayoutDB, min_score: f64, max_score: f64) -> (WeightedIndex<f64>, Vec<House>){
let mut counts: HashMap<House, f64> = HashMap::new();
for layout in db.layouts() {
let price = city::get_price(&city, layout.houses()) as f64;
let value_range = max_score - min_score;
let value = 1. - ((price - min_score) / value_range).max(0.).min(1.);
for house in layout.houses() {
*counts.entry(*house).or_default() += value;
let houses: Vec<_> = counts.into_iter().filter(|(house, price)| *price != 0.).collect();
let index = WeightedIndex::new(houses.iter().map(|(house, price)| price)).unwrap();
(index, houses.iter().map(|(house, _)| *house).collect())
pub fn populate_using_db(layout: &mut HouseLayout, mut rng: &mut StdRng, db: &LayoutDB, min_score: f64, max_score: f64, db_probability: f64) {
let (mut index, houses) = build_house_probabilities(&layout.city, &db, min_score, max_score);
loop {
if rng.gen::<f64>() < db_probability {
// TODO: Test without allowing buying covered tiles
let house = houses[index.sample(&mut rng)];
if layout.is_valid() {
} else {
loop {
let x = rng.gen_range(0..SIZE);
let y = rng.gen_range(0..SIZE);
let house = House::new(x, y);
if layout.city.is_house_xy(x, y) && !layout.is_covered(house) {
if layout.is_valid() {