use db::{MemoryLayoutDB, SqliteLayoutDB, LayoutDB, SavedLayout}; use city::{City, House, HouseLayout, get_price}; use itertools::Itertools; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng, SeedableRng}; use rand::rngs::StdRng; use rayon::prelude::*; mod city; mod db; mod combine; mod subcity; mod optimization; mod population; fn main() { let mut sqlite_db = SqliteLayoutDB::from_file("layouts.sqlite", false).expect("Failed to load the DB"); eprintln!("Loaded the DB, {} stored layouts", sqlite_db.layouts().len()); let city = City::read_from_file("", city::INPUT_CITY_WIDTH, city::INPUT_CITY_HEIGHT); eprintln!("Loaded the city file, {} houses", city.get_house_count()); let best_layout: SavedLayout = sqlite_db.layouts().iter() .sorted_by(|x, y| get_price(&city, x.houses()).cmp(&get_price(&city, y.houses()))) .map(|layout| (*layout).clone()) .next().expect("No best layout found"); eprintln!("Found best layout, ID {}, price {}",, get_price(&city, best_layout.houses())); //let x_range = 5533..=12000; //let y_range = 4750..=12500; //let x_range = 9500..=14100; //let y_range = 10300..=14400; //let x_range = 14900..=16200; //let y_range = 7720..=10400; //let x_range = 9982..=16383; //let y_range = 0..=2720; //let x_range = 7720..=12000; //let y_range = 5608..=11000; //let x_range = 3542..=8423; //let y_range = 4832..=8423; //let x_range = 1200..=9200; //let y_range = 9000..=16383; //let x_range = 9200..=16383; //let y_range = 9200..=16383; //let x_range = 9201..=16383; //let y_range = 0..=7500; //let x_range = 11100..=13333; //let y_range = 14700..=16383; //let x_range = 0..=7500; //let y_range = 0..=7500; let x_range = 0..=7500; let y_range = 9500..=16383; //let x_range = 9500..=16383; //let y_range = 0..=7500; eprintln!("X {}-{}, Y {}-{}", x_range.start(), x_range.end(), y_range.start(), y_range.end()); let static_houses: Vec = best_layout.houses().iter() .filter(|house| !(x_range.contains(&house.x) && y_range.contains(&house.y))) .map(|&house| house) .collect(); let removed_houses: Vec = best_layout.houses().iter() .filter(|house| x_range.contains(&house.x) && y_range.contains(&house.y)) .map(|&house| house) .collect(); let removed_price: u32 = removed_houses.iter().map(|x| city.get_price(*x) as u32).sum(); eprintln!("Price of all removed houses: {}", removed_price); let subcity = subcity::build_subcity(&city, &static_houses); eprintln!("Built subcity, width {}, height {}, {} houses, offset ({},{})",,,, subcity.x_offset(), subcity.y_offset() ); //let mut subcity_db = MemoryLayoutDB::new(); let filename = format!("X{}_{}Y{}_{}ID{}.sqlite", x_range.start(), x_range.end(), y_range.start(), y_range.end(),; let mut subcity_db = SqliteLayoutDB::from_file(&filename, true).unwrap(); // The following part merges best subcity layouts back into the global layout and // inserting them into the database // Setting this value allows attempts at improving suboptimal subcities after merging them back. // A subcity may result in a better score than original even if the subcity is worse than the // original if global improvements improve the cost. //const SUBOPTIMAL_SUBCITY_COST_MARGIN: u32 = 5000; //const CHECKED_CITY_LIMIT: usize = 50; //for layout in subcity_db.layouts().iter() // .filter(|x| get_price(, x.houses()) < removed_price + SUBOPTIMAL_SUBCITY_COST_MARGIN) // .sorted_by(|x, y| get_price(, x.houses()).cmp(&get_price(, y.houses()))) // .take(CHECKED_CITY_LIMIT) { // let price = get_price(, layout.houses()); // let mut full_houses = subcity.to_full_houses(layout.houses()); // assert!(city::is_valid(&city, &full_houses).is_some()); // let mut house_layout = HouseLayout::new(&city); // for house in &full_houses { // house_layout.add_house(*house); // } // let seed: u64 = thread_rng().gen(); // let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed); // optimization::iterate_improvements(&mut house_layout, &mut rng, true, false); // eprintln!("Improvements finished"); // assert!(house_layout.is_valid()); // let improved_price = city::get_price(&city, house_layout.houses()); // if improved_price < city::get_price(&city, &full_houses) { // eprintln!("Found improvement, new price {}, updating houses", improved_price); // full_houses = house_layout.houses().clone(); // } // assert!(city::is_valid(&city, &full_houses).is_some()); // println!("Layout {}, price {}, full price {}",, price, city::get_price(&city, &full_houses)); // if improved_price < city::get_price(&city, best_layout.houses()) { // eprintln!("Found a new best layout for the full city"); // println!("Found a new best layout for the full city"); // println!("Layout {}, price {}, full price {}",, price, city::get_price(&city, &full_houses)); // } // //eprintln!("NOT inserting into the DB"); // // Be careful with duplicates here // sqlite_db.add_layout(&full_houses, true); // eprintln!("Inserted into the global DB"); // println!("Inserted into the global DB"); // //} //} //return; // Architecture: // Build `FULL_RANDOM_LAYOUTS` random layouts // loop { // Try combining `CUT_COMBINE_TOP_LAYOUTS` top layouts using vertical/horizontal cuts // Generate `WEIGHTED_RANDOM_LAYOUTS` layouts weighted by scores from existing layouts // } const FULL_RANDOM_LAYOUTS: usize = 200; const DB_CHOICE_PROBABILITY: f64 = 0.95; const WEIGHTED_RANDOM_LAYOUTS: usize = 100; const CUT_COMBINE_TOP_LAYOUTS: usize = 500; const IGNORED_WEIGHT_RATIO: f64 = 0.5; const THREAD_COUNT: usize = 12; rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(THREAD_COUNT).build_global(); if subcity_db.layouts().len() == 0 { let mut full_random_layouts = Vec::new(); full_random_layouts.par_extend((0..FULL_RANDOM_LAYOUTS).into_par_iter().map(|i| { let seed: u64 = thread_rng().gen(); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed); let mut layout = HouseLayout::new(; //eprintln!("Starting random population {}", i); population::populate_random(&mut layout, &mut rng); //eprintln!("Finished random init {}, price: {}, houses: {}", i, layout.price(), layout.houses().len()); optimization::iterate_improvements(&mut layout, &mut rng, false, false); //eprintln!("Finished iterated improvements {}, price: {}, houses: {}", i, layout.price(), layout.houses().len()); layout.houses().clone() })); for houses in &full_random_layouts { subcity_db.add_layout(houses, true).expect("Failed to add new layout"); } eprintln!("Finished initial full random population"); } else { eprintln!("Skipping initial full random population because DB is non-empty [{} layouts]", subcity_db.layouts().len()); } fn print_status(db: &TDB, subcity: &City) { let best_price: u32 = db.layouts().iter().map(|layout| layout.houses().iter().map(|h| subcity.get_price(*h) as u32).sum()).min().unwrap(); let worst_price: u32 = db.layouts().iter().map(|layout| layout.houses().iter().map(|h| subcity.get_price(*h) as u32).sum()).max().unwrap(); eprintln!("Best {}, worst {} [{} layouts]", best_price, worst_price, db.layouts().len()); } print_status(&subcity_db,; let mut cache = combine::CompatibilityCache::new(); // TODO: Deduplication of the DB loop { // This is a bottleneck when it comes to multithreading, it only runs on a single thread combine::iterate_combines(&mut subcity_db, CUT_COMBINE_TOP_LAYOUTS,, &mut cache, false); eprintln!("Finished cut combines"); print_status(&subcity_db,; let mut weighted_random_layouts = Vec::new(); // Only using the underlying memory-based DB is required here as the SqliteLayoutDB // is not thread-safe. We are only reading in the parallel iterator, so that's fine. let memory_db = subcity_db.memory_db(); weighted_random_layouts.par_extend((0..WEIGHTED_RANDOM_LAYOUTS).into_par_iter().map(|i| { let seed: u64 = thread_rng().gen(); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed); let mut layout = HouseLayout::new(; let best_price: u32 = memory_db.layouts().iter().map(|layout| layout.houses().iter().map(|h|*h) as u32).sum()).min().unwrap(); let worst_price: u32 = memory_db.layouts().iter().map(|layout| layout.houses().iter().map(|h|*h) as u32).sum()).max().unwrap(); let price_range = worst_price - best_price; let max_price = best_price as f64 + (price_range as f64 * (1. - IGNORED_WEIGHT_RATIO)); //eprintln!("Starting random weighted population {}, using DB, score range {}-{}, DB use probability {}...", i, best_price, worst_price, DB_CHOICE_PROBABILITY); population::populate_using_db(&mut layout, &mut rng, memory_db, best_price as f64, max_price as f64, DB_CHOICE_PROBABILITY); //eprintln!("Finished random init {}, price: {}, houses: {}", i, layout.price(), layout.houses().len()); optimization::iterate_improvements(&mut layout, &mut rng, false, false); //eprintln!("Finished iterated improvements {}, price: {}, houses: {}", i, layout.price(), layout.houses().len()); layout.houses().clone() })); for houses in &weighted_random_layouts { subcity_db.add_layout(houses, true).expect("Failed to add new layout"); } let w_best: u32 = weighted_random_layouts.iter().map(|houses| houses.iter().map(|h|*h) as u32).sum()).min().unwrap(); let w_worst: u32 = weighted_random_layouts.iter().map(|houses| houses.iter().map(|h|*h) as u32).sum()).max().unwrap(); eprintln!("Finished weighted random population, price range {}-{}", w_best, w_worst); print_status(&subcity_db,; } }