use rand::prelude::{StdRng, SliceRandom}; use rand::{SeedableRng, Rng, thread_rng}; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Formatter; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; pub const SIZE: usize = 16384; pub const HOUSE_RANGE: usize = 500; pub struct City { prices: Vec, buyable_house_count: usize } impl City { pub fn read_from_file(filename: &str) -> Self { let values = std::fs::read(filename).unwrap(); let mut prices: Vec = Vec::new(); for y in 0..SIZE { for x in 0..SIZE { let price = (values[(y * SIZE + x) * 2] as u16) | ((values[(y * SIZE + x) * 2 + 1] as u16) << 8); prices.push(price); } } City::new(prices) } pub fn new(prices: Vec) -> Self { let mut buyable_house_count = 0; for &price in &prices { if price > 0 { buyable_house_count += 1; } } City { prices, buyable_house_count } } pub fn get_price(&self, house: &House) -> u16 { self.prices[house.y * SIZE + house.x] } pub fn get_price_xy(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> u16 { self.prices[y * SIZE + x] } pub fn is_house(&self, house: &House) -> bool { self.get_price(&house) > 0 } pub fn is_house_xy(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool { self.get_price_xy(x, y) > 0 } pub fn get_house_count(&self) -> usize { self.buyable_house_count } } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Copy, Clone)] pub struct House { x: usize, y: usize, } impl House { pub fn new(x: usize, y: usize) -> Self { House { x, y } } pub fn range_rectangle(&self) -> Rectangle { let top = if self.y <= HOUSE_RANGE { 0 } else { self.y - HOUSE_RANGE }; let bottom = if self.y >= SIZE - 1 - HOUSE_RANGE { SIZE - 1 } else { self.y + HOUSE_RANGE }; let left = if self.x <= HOUSE_RANGE { 0 } else { self.x - HOUSE_RANGE }; let right = if self.x >= SIZE - 1 - HOUSE_RANGE { SIZE - 1 } else { self.x + HOUSE_RANGE }; Rectangle {top, bottom, left, right} } } /// Rectangle - a 2D range with inclusive bounds pub struct Rectangle { /// The smaller x coordinate. left: usize, /// The bigger x coordinate. right: usize, /// The smaller y coordinate. top: usize, /// The bigger y coordinate. bottom: usize, } impl fmt::Display for Rectangle { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "L{}-{}R T{}-{}B", self.left, self.right,, self.bottom) } } impl Rectangle { pub fn is_inside(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool { self.left <= x && x <= self.right && <= y && y <= self.bottom } pub fn width(&self) -> usize { self.right - self.left } pub fn height(&self) -> usize { self.bottom - } } pub struct HouseLayout<'a> { city: &'a City, reachable: Vec, houses: Vec, reachable_houses: usize } impl<'a> HouseLayout<'a> { pub fn new(city: &'a City) -> Self { HouseLayout { city, reachable: vec![0; SIZE * SIZE], houses: Vec::new(), reachable_houses: 0 } } pub fn cover_count(&self, house: House) -> u16 { self.reachable[house.y * SIZE + house.x] } pub fn cover_count_xy(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> u16 { self.reachable[y * SIZE + x] } pub fn is_covered(&self, house: House) -> bool { self.cover_count(house) > 0 } pub fn add_house(&mut self, house: House) -> usize { let range_rect = house.range_rectangle(); for y in { for x in range_rect.left..=range_rect.right { let index = y as usize * SIZE + x as usize; if self.reachable[index] == 0 && as usize, y as usize) { self.reachable_houses += 1; } self.reachable[index] += 1; } } self.houses.push(house); self.houses.len() - 1 } pub fn remove_house(&mut self, index: usize) { let house = self.houses.swap_remove(index); let range_rect = house.range_rectangle(); for y in { for x in range_rect.left..=range_rect.right { let index = y as usize * SIZE + x as usize; self.reachable[index] -= 1; if self.reachable[index] == 0 && as usize, y as usize) { self.reachable_houses -= 1; } } } } pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool { self.reachable_houses == } pub fn price(&self) -> u32 { get_price(, &self.houses) } pub fn houses(&self) -> &Vec { &self.houses } } fn dump_layout(layout: &HouseLayout, best_price: &mut Option, seed: u64) { let price = layout.price(); if best_price.is_none() || price < best_price.unwrap() { *best_price = Some(price); eprintln!("Printing {} - new best", price); println!("New best!"); println!("Price {}, seed {}", price, seed); print_houses(&layout.houses()); println!(); } else { eprintln!("Printing {}", price); println!("Price {}, seed {}", price, seed); print_houses(&layout.houses()); println!(); } } fn main() { let city = City::read_from_file(""); let mut best_price: Option = None; loop { let seed: u64 = thread_rng().gen(); eprintln!("Starting seed {}", seed); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed); let mut layout = HouseLayout::new(&city); eprintln!("Starting random population..."); populate_random(&mut layout, &mut rng); eprintln!("Finished random init, price: {}", layout.price()); loop { let mut improved = false; eprintln!("Starting moving individual houses..."); if improve_move_individual_houses(&mut layout, &mut rng) { dump_layout(&layout, &mut best_price, seed); improved = true; } eprintln!("Finished moving individual houses..."); eprintln!("Starting pairwise house merge..."); if improve_merge_pairwise(&mut layout) { dump_layout(&layout, &mut best_price, seed); improved = true; } eprintln!("Finished pairwise house merge"); if !improved { break; } } } } fn populate_random(layout: &mut HouseLayout, rng: &mut StdRng) { loop { loop { let x = rng.gen_range(0..SIZE); let y = rng.gen_range(0..SIZE); let house = House::new(x, y); if, y) && !layout.is_covered(house) { layout.add_house(house); break; } } if layout.is_valid() { break; } } } fn improve_move_individual_houses(layout: &mut HouseLayout, mut rng: &mut StdRng) -> bool { let mut improved = false; let mut untried_houses = layout.houses().clone(); untried_houses.shuffle(&mut rng); while untried_houses.len() > 0 { let house = untried_houses.pop().unwrap(); let house_index = layout.houses().iter().position(|x| *x == house).unwrap(); let move_rectangle = match get_valid_move_rectangle(&layout, house) { Ok(move_rectangle) => move_rectangle, Err(RectangleSearchError::Useless) => { //let old_price = layout.price(); layout.remove_house(house_index); //let new_price = layout.price(); //let price_diff = new_price as i64 - old_price as i64; //eprintln!(" candidate is valid, price diff: {}.", price_diff); //eprintln!("Removed a house (useless), diff {}", price_diff); //eprintln!("Improved price: {}", new_price); improved = true; untried_houses = layout.houses().clone(); untried_houses.shuffle(&mut rng); continue; } _ => unreachable!() }; // TODO: Not needed, can just store best let mut new_candidates = Vec::new(); for new_y in { for new_x in move_rectangle.left..=move_rectangle.right { if, new_y) &&, new_y) < { new_candidates.push(House::new(new_x, new_y)); } } } new_candidates.sort_by(|a, b|; if new_candidates.len() == 0 { //eprintln!("Did not find candidate"); } else { for (i, &candidate) in new_candidates.iter().enumerate() { //eprint!("Found candidate {}...", i); //let old_price = layout.price(); layout.remove_house(house_index); layout.add_house(candidate); assert!(layout.is_valid()); //let new_price = layout.price(); //let price_diff = new_price as i64 - old_price as i64; //eprintln!(" candidate is valid, price diff: {}.", price_diff); //eprintln!("Improved price: {}", new_price); improved = true; untried_houses = layout.houses().clone(); untried_houses.shuffle(&mut rng); break; } } } improved } pub fn improve_merge_pairwise(layout: &mut HouseLayout) -> bool { let mut improved = false; loop { // This here is a hack for being unable to modify the houses while looping through them. // We instead go through the houses repeatedly and remember which pairs we have already // tried by hashing their values because they can and do move throughout the layout Vec // as it's being modified. let mut checked = HashSet::new(); let mut loop_improved = false; loop { let mut merge = None; 'outer_houses: for i in 0..layout.houses().len() { for j in i + 1..layout.houses().len() { let house1 = layout.houses()[i]; let house2 = layout.houses()[j]; let x_dist = (house1.x as i32 - house2.x as i32).abs() as usize; let y_dist = (house1.y as i32 - house2.y as i32).abs() as usize; if x_dist > 4 * HOUSE_RANGE || y_dist > 4 * HOUSE_RANGE { // Never close enough to merge continue; } if checked.contains(&(house1, house2)) || checked.contains(&(house2, house1)) { continue; } else { checked.insert((house1, house2)); } match get_valid_move_rectangle_multiple(&layout, &vec! {house1, house2}) { Ok(rect) => { let mut cheapest = None; for y in { for x in rect.left..=rect.right { if !, y) { continue; } let price =, y); match cheapest { None => cheapest = Some((x, y, price)), Some((_, _, cheapest_price)) if price < cheapest_price => cheapest = Some((x, y, price)), _ => {} }; } } if let Some((x, y, price)) = cheapest { if price >= + { // Merging not worth //eprintln!("Merging not worth!"); } else { merge = Some((i, j, House::new(x, y))); break 'outer_houses; } } } Err(RectangleSearchError::Useless) => eprintln!("Found useless pair of houses, not solving!"), Err(RectangleSearchError::Unsatisfiable) => {} } } } if let Some((i, j, house)) = merge { let old_price = layout.price(); assert!(i < j); layout.remove_house(j); layout.remove_house(i); layout.add_house(house); assert!(layout.is_valid()); let new_price = layout.price(); let price_diff = new_price as i32 - old_price as i32; eprintln!("Merged two houses, new price {}, diff {}", new_price, price_diff); improved = true; loop_improved = true; } else { break; } } if !loop_improved { break; } } improved } pub enum RectangleSearchError { Useless, Unsatisfiable } pub fn get_valid_move_rectangle_multiple(layout: &HouseLayout, houses: &Vec) -> Result { // This is a generalization of get_valid_move_rectangle, it's basically the same thing, // just with a dynamic rectangles_containing_count // We first establish a bounding box for an that has to be covered if all houses are removed. let mut covered_rect: Option = None; for house in houses { let range_rect = house.range_rectangle(); for y in { for x in range_rect.left..=range_rect.right { // We count how many rectangles of houses contain this xy position. let mut rectangles_containing_count = 0; for house in houses { let rect = house.range_rectangle(); if rect.is_inside(x, y) { rectangles_containing_count += 1; } } // If this house is covered by the exact amount of rectangles, // then removing all input houses would uncover this position. // It cannot be less than the rectangle count, and more means there // is another house covering it as well. if layout.cover_count_xy(x, y) == rectangles_containing_count &&, y) { if let Some(cover) = &mut covered_rect { cover.left = cover.left.min(x); cover.right = cover.right.max(x); =; cover.bottom = cover.bottom.max(y); } else { covered_rect = Some(Rectangle { left: x, right: x, top: y, bottom: y }); } } } } }; if covered_rect.is_none() { // Unnecessary set of houses. return Err(RectangleSearchError::Useless); } let covered_rect = covered_rect.unwrap(); let height_margin = HOUSE_RANGE as i32 - covered_rect.height() as i32; let width_margin = HOUSE_RANGE as i32 - covered_rect.width() as i32; let top = ( as i32 - height_margin).max(0) as usize; let left = (covered_rect.left as i32 - width_margin).max(0) as usize; let bottom = (covered_rect.bottom + height_margin as usize).min(SIZE - 1); let right = (covered_rect.right + width_margin as usize).min(SIZE - 1); if top > bottom || left > right { // Unsatisfiable rectangle by one house return Err(RectangleSearchError::Unsatisfiable); } Ok(Rectangle { left, right, top, bottom }) } pub fn get_valid_move_rectangle(layout: &HouseLayout, house: House) -> Result { // We first establish a bounding box for an that has to be covered if the house is removed. let mut covered_rect: Option = None; let range_rect = house.range_rectangle(); for y in { for x in range_rect.left..=range_rect.right { if layout.cover_count_xy(x, y) == 1 &&, y) { // This house is only covered by the house, it has to be covered from the new position as well. if let Some(cover) = &mut covered_rect { cover.left = cover.left.min(x); cover.right = cover.right.max(x); =; cover.bottom = cover.bottom.max(y); } else { covered_rect = Some(Rectangle { left: x, right: x, top: y, bottom: y }); } } } } if covered_rect.is_none() { return Err(RectangleSearchError::Useless) } let covered_rect = covered_rect.unwrap(); // The distance of the rectangle from the original box tells us how much the house can move. let dist_left = covered_rect.left - range_rect.left; let dist_right = range_rect.right - covered_rect.right; let dist_top = -; let dist_bottom = range_rect.bottom - covered_rect.bottom; let left = if house.x <= dist_right { 0 } else { house.x - dist_right }; let right = if house.x >= SIZE - 1 - dist_left { SIZE - 1 } else { house.x + dist_left }; let top = if house.y <= dist_bottom { 0 } else { house.y - dist_bottom }; let bottom = if house.y >= SIZE - 1 - dist_top { SIZE - 1 } else { house.y + dist_top }; let valid_move_rectangle = Rectangle { left, right, top, bottom }; Ok(valid_move_rectangle) } pub fn get_neighbors(city: &City, house: &House) -> Vec { let mut neighbors = Vec::new(); let range_rect = house.range_rectangle(); for y in { for x in range_rect.left..=range_rect.right { let house = House::new(x as usize, y as usize); if city.get_price(&house) > 0 { neighbors.push(house); } } } neighbors } fn print_houses(houses: &Vec) { println!("{}", houses.len()); for house in houses { println!("{} {}", house.y, house.x); } } fn get_price(city: &City, houses: &Vec) -> u32 { let mut price = 0u32; for house in houses { price += city.get_price(&house) as u32; } price } fn is_valid(city: &City, houses: &Vec) -> Option { let mut reachable = vec![false; SIZE * SIZE]; let mut price = 0u32; for house in houses { assert!(city.prices[house.y * SIZE + house.x] > 0); let range_rect = house.range_rectangle(); for y in { for x in range_rect.left..=range_rect.right { reachable[y as usize * SIZE + x as usize] = true; } } price += city.get_price(&house) as u32; } for y in 0..SIZE { for x in 0..SIZE { if !reachable[y * SIZE + x] && city.prices[y * SIZE + x] > 0 { return None; } } } Some(price) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn house_rectangle_at_min() { let house = House::new(0, 0); let rect = house.range_rectangle(); assert_eq!(, 0); assert_eq!(rect.left, 0); assert_eq!(rect.right, HOUSE_RANGE); assert_eq!(rect.bottom, HOUSE_RANGE); } #[test] fn house_rectangle_at_max() { let house = House::new(SIZE - 1, SIZE - 1); let rect = house.range_rectangle(); assert_eq!(, SIZE - 1 - HOUSE_RANGE); assert_eq!(rect.left, SIZE - 1 - HOUSE_RANGE); assert_eq!(rect.right, SIZE - 1); assert_eq!(rect.bottom, SIZE - 1); } #[test] fn house_rect_in_middle() { let house = House::new(SIZE / 2, SIZE / 2); let rect = house.range_rectangle(); assert_eq!(, house.y - HOUSE_RANGE); assert_eq!(rect.left, house.x - HOUSE_RANGE); assert_eq!(rect.right, house.x + HOUSE_RANGE); assert_eq!(rect.bottom, house.y + HOUSE_RANGE); } }