Řešení KSP úlohy 33-3-4 Obsazování území https://ksp.mff.cuni.cz/h/ulohy/33/zadani3.html#task-33-3-4
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213 lines
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use crate::city;
use crate::city::{City, House, SIZE, HOUSE_RANGE};
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::collections::vec_deque::Iter;
pub fn try_combine(city: &City, left_layouts: &Vec<&Vec<House>>, right_layouts: &Vec<&Vec<House>>) {
// Sorted in reverse so we can remove from the end
let mut left_houses_sorted: Vec<Vec<House>> = left_layouts.iter()
.map(|l| l.iter().sorted_by(|h1, h2| h2.x.cmp(&h1.x)).map(|x| *x).collect())
let mut right_houses_sorted: Vec<Vec<House>> = right_layouts.iter()
.map(|l| l.iter().sorted_by(|h1, h2| h2.x.cmp(&h1.x)).map(|x| *x).collect())
let mut lefts = Vec::new();
let mut rights = Vec::new();
for _ in left_layouts {
for mut right_layout in right_houses_sorted {
let mut right = RightLine::new();
// Make sure that we include all houses initially
while let Some(house) = right_layout.pop() {
right.add_house(house, &city);
let mut best_price = None;
// x is the last left coordinate, x+1 is right
for x in 0..SIZE {
eprintln!("Starting x {}", x);
// Update the lines
for (mut left_line, mut left_houses) in lefts.iter_mut().zip(left_houses_sorted.iter_mut()) {
while let Some(house) = left_houses.last() {
if house.x == x {
left_line.add_house(*house, &city);
} else {
for mut right_line in rights.iter_mut() {
right_line.remove_houses(x, &city);
// Check compatibility of lines
if x == 0 {
// Cannot check this due to limitations in the implementation of LeftLine,
// it wouldn't be very interesting anyway.
let mut compatibles = 0;
let mut incompatibles = 0;
for (left_i, left) in lefts.iter().enumerate() {
for (right_i, right) in rights.iter().enumerate() {
if left_i == right_i {
// Do not compare the same layout
if is_compatible(city, &left, &right) {
let price = left.price + right.price;
if best_price.is_none() || price < best_price.unwrap() {
best_price = Some(price);
eprintln!("{} - new best score, cut on x {}, left {} - right {}, printing", price, x, left_i, right_i);
println!("{} - new best score, cut on x {}, left {} - right {}", price, x, left_i, right_i);
let new_houses: Vec<_> = left.houses().chain(right.houses()).collect();
println!("{}", new_houses.len());
for house in new_houses {
println!("{} {}", house.y, house.x);
compatibles += 1;
} else {
incompatibles += 1;
eprintln!("{}/{} compatible", compatibles, compatibles + incompatibles);
fn is_compatible(city: &City, left: &LeftLine, right: &RightLine) -> bool {
for y in 0..SIZE {
let max_left_covered_x = left.get_max_covered_x(y);
let min_right_covered_x = right.get_min_covered_x(y);
// This range will often be empty
for x in (max_left_covered_x+1)..min_right_covered_x {
if city.is_house_xy(x, y) {
return false;
struct LeftLine {
covers: Vec<usize>,
houses: Vec<House>,
price: u32
struct RightLine {
covers: Vec<usize>,
houses: VecDeque<House>,
price: u32
impl LeftLine {
pub fn new() -> Self {
// XXX: Careful, default of 0 includes covering first vertical line
let covers = vec![0; SIZE];
let houses = Vec::new();
LeftLine {covers, houses, price: 0 }
pub fn add_house(&mut self, house: House, city: &City) {
let range_rect = house.range_rectangle();
for y in range_rect.top..=range_rect.bottom {
// Should always be the max variant
self.covers[y] = self.covers[y].max(range_rect.right);
self.price += city.get_price(house) as u32;
pub fn get_max_covered_x(&self, y: usize) -> usize {
pub fn get_side_price(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn houses(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, House> {
impl RightLine {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let covers = vec![usize::MAX; SIZE];
let houses = VecDeque::new();
RightLine {covers, houses, price: 0}
pub fn add_house(&mut self, house: House, city: &City) {
// Added houses have to always be ordered by x
let range_rect = house.range_rectangle();
for y in range_rect.top..=range_rect.bottom {
self.covers[y] = self.covers[y].min(range_rect.left);
self.price += city.get_price(house) as u32
pub fn remove_houses(&mut self, x: usize, city: &City) {
// Has to be called with x, x+1, x+2...
while let Some(house) = self.houses.front() {
if house.x == x {
let removed_house = self.houses.pop_front().unwrap();
let removed_rect = removed_house.range_rectangle();
// Remove the now-outdated distances around the removed house
for y in removed_rect.top..=removed_rect.bottom {
self.covers[y] = usize::MAX;
// Update distances around the removed house if the area of any houses
// intersects the removed area
for house in &self.houses {
let house_rect = house.range_rectangle();
let y_intersection = if removed_house.y < house.y {
} else {
for y in y_intersection {
self.covers[y] = self.covers[y].min(house_rect.left);
self.price -= city.get_price(removed_house) as u32;
} else {
pub fn get_min_covered_x(&self, y: usize) -> usize {
pub fn get_side_price(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn houses(&self) -> Iter<'_, House> {