Řešení KSP úlohy 33-3-4 Obsazování území https://ksp.mff.cuni.cz/h/ulohy/33/zadani3.html#task-33-3-4
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use crate::city::House;
use rusqlite::{Connection, NO_PARAMS, params, Result};
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub struct LayoutDB {
connection: Connection,
layouts: Vec<SavedLayout>,
merge_lower_bounds: HashMap<(usize, usize, bool), MergeLowerBound>,
pub struct MergeLowerBound {
left_layout_id: usize,
right_layout_id: usize,
y_axis: bool,
price: u32,
impl MergeLowerBound {
pub fn new(left_layout_id: usize, right_layout_id: usize, y_axis: bool, price: u32) -> Self {
MergeLowerBound { left_layout_id, right_layout_id, y_axis, price }
pub fn left_layout_id(&self) -> usize {
pub fn right_layout_id(&self) -> usize {
pub fn y_axis(&self) -> bool {
pub fn price(&self) -> u32 {
pub struct SavedLayout {
id: usize,
houses: Vec<House>,
impl SavedLayout {
pub fn new(id: usize, houses: Vec<House>) -> Self {
SavedLayout { id, houses }
pub fn houses(&self) -> &Vec<House> {
pub fn id(&self) -> usize {
impl LayoutDB {
pub fn from_file(filename: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let connection = Connection::open(filename)?;
let mut layouts: HashMap<u32, Vec<(u32, u32)>> = HashMap::new();
// We need to dispose the statement so we can move the connection later
let mut stmt = connection.prepare("SELECT layout_id, x, y FROM houses")?;
let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS)?;
while let Some(row) = rows.next()? {
let id: u32 = row.get(0)?;
let x: u32 = row.get(1)?;
let y: u32 = row.get(2)?;
layouts.entry(id).or_default().push((x, y));
let mut merges = HashMap::new();
let mut stmt = connection.prepare("SELECT left_layout_id, right_layout_id, axis, price FROM merge_lower_bounds")?;
let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS)?;
while let Some(row) = rows.next()? {
let left_id: u32 = row.get(0)?;
let right_id: u32 = row.get(1)?;
let axis: u32 = row.get(2)?;
let price: u32 = row.get(3)?;
merges.insert((left_id as usize, right_id as usize, axis == 1), MergeLowerBound {
left_layout_id: left_id as usize,
right_layout_id: right_id as usize,
y_axis: axis == 1,
let layouts = layouts.into_iter().map(|(id, xy_pairs)|
id: id as usize,
houses: xy_pairs.into_iter().map(|(x, y)| House { x: x as usize, y: y as usize }).collect(),
Ok(LayoutDB { connection, layouts, merge_lower_bounds: merges })
pub fn layouts(&self) -> &Vec<SavedLayout> {
pub fn add_layout(&mut self, houses: &Vec<House>, fully_optimized: bool) -> Result<()> {
let transaction = self.connection.transaction()?;
transaction.execute("INSERT INTO layouts (is_fully_optimized) VALUES (?1)",
let layout_id = transaction.last_insert_rowid();
for house in houses {
transaction.execute("INSERT INTO houses (layout_id, x, y) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)",
params![layout_id, house.x as u32, house.y as u32])?;
self.layouts.push(SavedLayout { id: layout_id as usize, houses: houses.clone() });
pub fn get_merge_lower_bound(&self, left_layout: &SavedLayout, right_layout: &SavedLayout, y_axis: bool) -> Option<u32> {
if let Some(bound) = self.merge_lower_bounds.get(&(left_layout.id, right_layout.id, y_axis)) {
return Some(bound.price);
pub fn add_merge_lower_bound(&mut self, lower_bound: MergeLowerBound) -> Result<()> {
let transaction = self.connection.transaction()?;
transaction.execute("INSERT INTO merge_lower_bounds (left_layout_id, right_layout_id, axis, price) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4) ON CONFLICT(left_layout_id, right_layout_id) DO UPDATE SET price = ?4",
params![lower_bound.left_layout_id as u32,
lower_bound.right_layout_id as u32,
if lower_bound.y_axis {1u32} else {0u32},
self.merge_lower_bounds.insert((lower_bound.left_layout_id, lower_bound.right_layout_id, lower_bound.y_axis), lower_bound);
pub fn add_merge_lower_bounds(&mut self, lower_bounds: Vec<MergeLowerBound>) -> Result<()> {
let transaction = self.connection.transaction()?;
for lower_bound in lower_bounds {
transaction.execute("INSERT INTO merge_lower_bounds (left_layout_id, right_layout_id, axis, price) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4) ON CONFLICT(left_layout_id, right_layout_id) DO UPDATE SET price = ?4",
params![lower_bound.left_layout_id as u32,
lower_bound.right_layout_id as u32,
if lower_bound.y_axis {1u32} else {0u32},
self.merge_lower_bounds.insert((lower_bound.left_layout_id, lower_bound.right_layout_id, lower_bound.y_axis), lower_bound);