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from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union, Optional
logic_by_mode = {}
def add_logic(cls):
logic_by_mode[cls.__name__.lower()] = cls
class Logic:
def __init__(self, teams_count: int, configuration: Any):
self.teams_count = teams_count
self.configuration = configuration
def zero_state(self) -> Any:
return {}
def step(self, state: Any, moves: List[Optional[Any]], round_id: int) -> Tuple[Any, List[int]]:
return {}, [0] * self.teams_count # new_state, add_points for each team
def validate_move(self, state: Any, team_id: int, move: Any, round_id: int) -> Union[None, Any]:
return None # Bez chyby
# return {"status": "warning", ... } # Drobná chyba, ale tah provedu
# throw Exception("Chybí povinná ...") # Zásadní chyba, tah neuznán
# Když používají našeho klienta, tak by se toto nemělo stát
def personalize_state(self, state: Any, team_id: int, round_id: int) -> Any:
return state
class Occupy(Logic):
None: (0, 0),
"left": (0, -1),
"right": (0, 1),
"up": (-1, 0),
"down": (1, 0)
def __init__(self, teams_count: int, configuration: Any):
super().__init__(teams_count, configuration)
self.teams_width = configuration["teams_width"]
self.teams_height = configuration["teams_height"]
assert(teams_count == self.teams_width * self.teams_height)
self.map_width = self.teams_width * configuration["width_per_team"]
self.map_height = self.teams_height * configuration["height_per_team"]
def generate_soldier(self, team_id, soldier_id):
return {
"type": "soldier",
"team": team_id,
"id": soldier_id,
"remaining_rounds": 1
# Počáteční stav
def zero_state(self) -> Any:
map = [
"home_for_team": None,
"occupied_by_team": None,
"hill": (self.configuration["hills"]
[j % self.configuration["height_per_team"]]
[i % self.configuration["width_per_team"]]
== "x"),
"members": []
for i in range(self.map_width)
for j in range(self.map_height)
team_id = 0
home_y = self.configuration["height_per_team"] // 2
for _ in range(self.teams_height):
home_x = self.configuration["width_per_team"] // 2
for _ in range(self.teams_width):
map[home_y][home_x]["home_for_team"] = team_id
map[home_y][home_x]["occupied_by_team"] = team_id
map[home_y][home_x]["members"].append(self.generate_soldier(team_id, 0))
team_id += 1
home_x += self.configuration["width_per_team"]
home_y += self.configuration["height_per_team"]
return {"map": map}
# Zatím očekávám, že moves má takovéto prvky:
# {
# team_id: <int>
# members: [
# id: <int>
# action: <Optional[str]>
# # None -> čekej
# # "left", "right", "up", "down"
# ]
# }
# Předpokládám validitu `state`
# Metoda funguje velmi primitivně po krocích:
# * zaznamená se poloha objektů na mapě
# * vojáky se pohne podle moves
# * přidají se vojáci v homes
# * odstraní se vojáci podle "soubojů"
# * vygeneruje se json se správnými hodnotami "occupied" a spočítá se skóre
def step(self, state: Any, moves: List[Optional[Any]], round_id: int) -> Tuple[Any, List[int]]:
# souřadnice IDs pro všechny týmy
id_positions = [{} for _ in range(self.teams_count)]
# pohyby IDs pro všechny týmy
id_moves = [{} for _ in range(self.teams_count)]
# všechna IDs týmů
all_ids = [[] for _ in range(self.teams_count)]
# nejvyšší ID každého týmu
highest_ids = [0] * self.teams_count
# homes jednotlivých týmů
home_positions = [None] * self.teams_count
# 2D array s `True`s tam, kde je hill
hills = [[False] * self.map_width for _ in range(self.map_height)]
y = 0
for row in state["map"]:
x = 0
for field in row:
hills[y][x] = field["hill"]
if field["home_for_team"] is not None:
home_positions[field["home_for_team"]] = [y, x]
for member in field["members"]:
highest_ids[member["team"]] = max(highest_ids[member["team"]], member["id"])
id_positions[member["team"]][member["id"]] = [y, x]
id_moves[member["team"]][member["id"]] = None
x += 1
y += 1
for team_id, move in enumerate(moves):
if move is not None:
for member in move["members"]:
if member["id"] not in id_positions[team_id]:
# Neplatné ID vojáka
id_moves[team_id][member["id"]] = member["action"]
# Místo mapy tabulka seznamů vojáků pro každý tým
soldier_lists = [
[[[] for _ in range(self.teams_count)] for _ in range(self.map_width)]
for _ in range(self.map_height)
for team_id in range(self.teams_count):
for soldier_id in all_ids[team_id]:
move_vect = self.MOVE_VECTORS[id_moves[team_id][soldier_id]]
orig_y = id_positions[team_id][soldier_id][0]
orig_x = id_positions[team_id][soldier_id][1]
new_y = (orig_y + move_vect[0]) % self.map_height
new_x = (orig_x + move_vect[1]) % self.map_width
if hills[new_y][new_x]:
# Voják se snažil lézt na skálu, zůstane na původním místě
# Přidáme vojáky v homes:
for team_id in range(self.teams_count):
home_pos = home_positions[team_id]
soldier_lists[home_pos[0]][home_pos[1]][team_id].append(highest_ids[team_id] + 1)
# Vojáci se pomlátí:
for y in range(self.map_height):
for x in range(self.map_width):
team_strengths = [len(soldier_lists[y][x][tid]) for tid in range(self.teams_count)]
for tid in range(self.teams_count):
soldier_lists[y][x][tid] = soldier_lists[y][x][tid][team_strengths[-2]:]
# Vygenerujeme výsledek:
score = [0] * self.teams_count
new_map = [[] for _ in range(self.map_height)]
y = 0
for row in state["map"]:
x = 0
for field in row:
new_field = {
"home_for_team": field["home_for_team"],
"occupied_by_team": field["occupied_by_team"],
"hill": field["hill"],
"members": []
for team_id in range(self.teams_count):
for soldier_id in soldier_lists[y][x][team_id]:
new_field["members"].append(self.generate_soldier(team_id, soldier_id))
new_field["occupied_by_team"] = team_id
if new_field["occupied_by_team"] is not None:
score[new_field["occupied_by_team"]] += 1
x += 1
y += 1
return ({"map": new_map}, score)
def generate_warn(self, member_id, description):
return {
"id": member_id,
"description": description
# Předpokládám validní `state`, vadit může
# * "hill"
# * nevalidní ID
# * více tahů jedním soldierem
def validate_move(self, state: Any, team_id: int, move: Any, round_id: int) -> Union[None, Any]:
# nakumulované warningy
warns = []
# souřadnice IDs daného týmu
id_positions = {}
# 2D array s `True`s tam, kde je hill
hills = [[False] * self.map_width for _ in range(self.map_height)]
# ID soldierů, se kterými tým už hnul
ids_moved = {}
y = 0
for row in state["map"]:
x = 0
for field in row:
hills[y][x] = field["hill"]
for member in field["members"]:
if member["team"] != team_id:
id_positions[member["id"]] = [y, x]
x += 1
y += 1
for member in move["members"]:
if member["id"] not in id_positions:
warns.append(self.generate_warn(member["id"], "Neplatné ID!"))
if member["id"] in ids_moved:
warns.append(self.generate_warn(member["id"], "Duplicitní pohyb vojákem. Jen jeho poslední pohyb se počítá."))
ids_moved[member["id"]] = True
if member["action"] is None:
move_vect = self.MOVE_VECTORS[member["action"]]
new_position_y = id_positions[member["id"]][0] + move_vect[0]
new_position_x = id_positions[member["id"]][1] + move_vect[1]
if hills[new_position_y][new_position_x]:
warns.append(self.generate_warn(member["id"], "Voják se snaží vylézt na skálu, což nejde."))
if len(warns) == 0:
return None
return {"status": "warning", "members": warns}
def home_position(self, state: Any, team_id):
y = 0
for row in state["map"]:
x = 0
for field in row:
if field["home_for_team"] == team_id:
return [y, x]
x += 1
y += 1
# Akorát vycentruju home týmu.
# TODO: Chceme přečíslovat týmy ("můj tým je vždy 0")?
def personalize_state(self, state: Any, team_id: int, round_id: int) -> Any:
# Zjisti pozici domečku tohoto týmu:
home_yx = self.home_position(state, team_id)
y_diff = (self.map_height // 2) - home_yx[0]
x_diff = (self.map_width // 2) - home_yx[1]
# Vycentruj:
map_personalized = [
state["map"][(y - y_diff) % self.map_height][(x - x_diff) % self.map_width]
for x in range(self.map_width)
for y in range(self.map_height)
return {"map": map_personalized}