You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
1.3 KiB

{% load treenodes %}
{% if kam_slug == "syn" %}
{% appendableChildren obj as dostupne_typy %}
{% else %}
{% appendableChildren obj.parent as dostupne_typy %}
{% endif %}
{# ulohaZadani ulohaVzorak Reseni Cast Text #}
{% if dostupne_typy %}
<div class="pink">Přidat {{kam}}
<select name="pridat-typ-{{}}-{{kam_slug}}" onchange="showSelectedItemForm(this,'{{}}-{{kam_slug}}')">
{% for typ in dostupne_typy %}
<option value="{{typ.0}}">{{typ.1}}</option>
{% endfor %}
<div class="hidden-tn" id="pridat-castNode-{{}}-{{kam_slug}}">
Nadpis: <input name="pridat-cast-{{}}-{{kam_slug}}" type="text">
<button action="submit" formaction="{%url 'treenode_pridat' kam_slug%}">Přidat</button>
<div class="hidden-tn" id="pridat-textNode-{{}}-{{kam_slug}}"> Vytvořit</div>
<div class="hidden-tn" id="pridat-reseniNode-{{}}-{{kam_slug}}">Vytvořit, Tady bude autocomplete na reseniNode</div>
<div class="hidden-tn" id="pridat-ulohaZadaniNode-{{}}-{{kam_slug}}">Vytvořit zadání</div>
<div class="hidden-tn" id="pridat-ulohaVzorakNode-{{}}-{{kam_slug}}">Vytvořit vzorák k: Tady bude autocomplete na problémy k aktuálnímu kontextu</div>
{% endif %}{# appendablebleChildren #}