MaM Web user
3 years ago
1 changed files with 1 additions and 68 deletions
@ -1,68 +1 @@ |
# Constraints on versions supported by Python 2.7 and Django 1.11 |
# TODO |
# Vyrobeno 2021-04-21 |
# Neručím za správnost, kdyžtak opravte :-P |
# Možná jednou pro něco bude existovat novější funkční verze, možno změnit… |
# Postup tvorby: |
# pip freeze > constraints.txt |
# projití PyPI a najití posledních verzí, které se tváří býti kompatibilní s Py2.7 a Dj1.11 |
akismet<=1.0.1 |
backports.functools-lru-cache<=1.6.4 |
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size<=1.0.0 |
certifi<=2020.4.5.1 |
chardet<=4.0.0 |
decorator<=4.4.2 |
Django<1.12 |
django-appconf<=1.0.3 |
django-autocomplete-light<3 |
django-ckeditor<=5.9.0 |
django-classy-tags<=1.0.0 |
django-contrib-comments<=1.9.2 |
django-countries<=5.5 |
django-crispy-forms<=1.8.1 |
django-debug-toolbar<=1.11.1 |
django-extensions<3 |
django-fluent-comments<=2.1 |
django-imagekit<=4.0.2 |
django-js-asset<=1.2.2 |
django-mptt<=0.9.1 |
django-reversion<=3.0.4 |
django-sekizai<=1.1.0 |
# No data on PyPI nor homepage |
#django-solo==1.1.3 |
#uWSGI== |
django-tag-parser<=3.2 |
django-taggit<=0.24.0 |
django-threadedcomments<=1.2 |
enum34<=1.1.10 |
html5lib<=1.1 |
idna<=2.10 |
ipython<=5.10.0 |
ipython-genutils<=0.2.0 |
pathlib2<=2.3.5 |
pexpect<=4.8.0 |
pickleshare<=0.7.5 |
pilkit<=2.0 |
Pillow<=6.2.2 |
prompt-toolkit<=2.0.10 |
psycopg2<=2.8.6 |
ptyprocess<=0.7.0 |
Pygments<=2.5.2 |
python-akismet<=0.4.2 |
pytz<=2021.1 |
requests<=2.25.1 |
scandir<=1.10.0 |
simplegeneric<=0.8.1 |
six<=1.15.0 |
sqlparse<=0.3.1 |
traitlets<=4.3.3 |
typing<= |
Unidecode<=1.2.0 |
urllib3<=1.26.4 |
wcwidth<=0.2.5 |
webencodings<=0.5.1 |
Werkzeug<=1.0.1 |
Reference in new issue