# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from autocomplete_light import shortcuts as autocomplete_light from .models import Skola, Resitel, Problem, Organizator from taggit.models import Tag autocomplete_light.register(Tag) class SkolaAutocomplete(autocomplete_light.AutocompleteModelBase): model = Skola search_fields = ['nazev', 'mesto', 'ulice'] split_words = True limit_choices = 15 attrs = { # This will set the input placeholder attribute: 'placeholder': 'Škola', # This will set the yourlabs.Autocomplete.minimumCharacters # options, the naming conversion is handled by jQuery 'data-autocomplete-minimum-characters': 1, } widget_attrs = { 'data-widget-maximum-values': 15, 'class': 'modern-style', } autocomplete_light.register(SkolaAutocomplete) class ResitelAutocomplete(autocomplete_light.AutocompleteModelBase): model = Resitel search_fields = ['jmeno', 'prijmeni'] split_words = False limit_choices = 15 def choice_label(self, resitel): return "%s, %s (%s)" % (resitel.plne_jmeno(), resitel.mesto, resitel.rok_maturity) attrs= { # This will set the input placeholder attribute: 'placeholder': 'Řešitel', # This will set the yourlabs.Autocomplete.minimumCharacters # options, the naming conversion is handled by jQuery 'data-autocomplete-minimum-characters': 1, } widget_attrs = { 'data-widget-maximum-values': 15, # Enable modern-style widget ! 'class': 'modern-style', } autocomplete_light.register(ResitelAutocomplete) class OrganizatorAutocomplete(autocomplete_light.AutocompleteModelBase): model = Organizator search_fields = ['user__first_name', 'user__last_name', 'prezdivka'] split_words = False limit_choices = 15 def choice_label(self, organizator): return "%s '%s' %s" % (organizator.user.first_name, organizator.prezdivka, organizator.user.last_name) attrs = { # This will set the input placeholder attribute: 'placeholder': 'Organizátor', # This will set the yourlabs.Autocomplete.minimumCharacters # options, the naming conversion is handled by jQuery 'data-autocomplete-minimum-characters': 1, } widget_attrs = { 'data-widget-maximum-values': 15, # Enable modern-style widget ! 'class': 'modern-style', } autocomplete_light.register(OrganizatorAutocomplete) class ProblemAutocomplete(autocomplete_light.AutocompleteModelBase): model = Problem search_fields = ['nazev'] split_words = False limit_choices = 10 def choice_label(self, p): if p.stav == Problem.STAV_ZADANY: popisek = "" try: popisek = "%s (%s, %s.%s)".format(p.nazev, p.typ, p.cislo_zadani.rocnik.rocnik, p.kod_v_rocniku()) except: #popisek = "%s (%s, %s.%s)".format(p.nazev, p.typ, p.stav) popisek = "CHYBA" return popisek else: return "%s (%s, %s)".format(p.nazev, p.typ, p.stav) attrs = { # This will set the input placeholder attribute: 'placeholder': 'Problém', # This will set the yourlabs.Autocomplete.minimumCharacters # options, the naming conversion is handled by jQuery 'data-autocomplete-minimum-characters': 1, } widget_attrs = { 'data-widget-maximum-values': 10, # Enable modern-style widget ! 'class': 'modern-style', } # FIXME: nefunguje, nevime proc. #autocomplete_light.register(ProblemAutocomplete)