.PHONY: clean_env init_env clean_virtualenv install_packages clean install run all schema_seminar.pdf schema_all.pdf PYTHON=python2.7 VE_VER=12.0.7 LOCAL_PYTHON=bin/python all: install clean: clean_env veryclean: clean clean_virtualenv install: virtualenv bin/python install_packages # phony, but depends on file make_env: ${LOCAL_PYTHON} # phony, but fast repeated execution install_packages: make_env bin/pip install -r requirements.txt # phony clean_env: rm -rf bin/ include/ lib/ local/ share/ rm -f pip-selfcheck.json rm -f schema_seminar.pdf schema_all.pdf # binary name representing set-up env ${LOCAL_PYTHON}: virtualenv ${PYTHON} virtualenv/virtualenv.py . # directory name virtualenv: curl -O https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-${VE_VER}.tar.gz tar xvfz virtualenv-${VE_VER}.tar.gz mv virtualenv-${VE_VER} virtualenv rm virtualenv-${VE_VER}.tar.gz # phony clean_virtualenv: rm -rf virtualenv/ run: ./manage.py runserver_plus test: ./manage.py test -v2 seminar mamweb # DB schemata schema: schema_seminar.pdf schema_all.pdf schema_seminar.pdf: ./manage.py graph_models seminar | dot -Tpdf > schema_seminar.pdf schema_all.pdf: ./manage.py graph_models -a -g | dot -Tpdf > schema_all.pdf # Deploy to current *mamweb-test* directory deploy_test: @if [ ${USER} != "www-mam" ]; then echo "Only possible by user www-mam"; exit 1; fi @if [ `pwd` != "/akce/MaM/WWW/mamweb-test" ]; then echo "Only possible in /akce/MaM/WWW/mamweb-test"; exit 1; fi @echo "Installing version from origin/master ..." git pull origin master git clean -f make install ./manage.py migrate ./manage.py collectstatic --noinput (chown -R :mam . || true ) (chmod -R g+rX,go-w . || true ) @echo Notifying apache about the change ... touch mamweb/wsgi.py @echo Done. # Deploy to current *mamweb-prod* directory deploy_prod: @if [ ${USER} != "www-mam" ]; then echo "Only possible by user www-mam"; exit 1; fi @if [ `pwd` != "/akce/MaM/WWW/mamweb-prod" ]; then echo "Only possible in /akce/MaM/WWW/mamweb-prod"; exit 1; fi @echo "Backing up production DB ..." ( cd .. && ./backup_prod_db.sh ) @echo "Installing version from origin/stable ..." git pull origin stable git clean -f make install ./manage.py migrate ./manage.py collectstatic --noinput (chown -R :mam . || true ) (chmod -R g+rX,go-w . || true ) @echo Notifying apache about the change ... touch mamweb/wsgi.py @echo Done.