.PHONY: clean_env init_env clean_virtualenv install_packages clean install run all schema_seminar.pdf schema_all.pdf sync_test_media sync_test_db sync_test sync_local_media sync_local_db sync_local PYTHON=python2.7 VE_VER=16.0.0 LOCAL_PYTHON=bin/python TEST_BRANCH?=test all: install clean: clean_env veryclean: clean clean_virtualenv install: virtualenv bin/python install_packages # phony, but depends on file make_env: ${LOCAL_PYTHON} # phony, but fast repeated execution install_packages: make_env bin/pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade # phony clean_env: rm -rf bin/ include/ lib/ local/ share/ rm -f pip-selfcheck.json rm -f schema_seminar.pdf schema_all.pdf # binary name representing set-up env ${LOCAL_PYTHON}: virtualenv ${PYTHON} virtualenv/virtualenv.py . # directory name virtualenv: # I could not find a link without hash anymore. This will probably break in # the future. curl -O https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/33/bc/fa0b5347139cd9564f0d44ebd2b147ac97c36b2403943dbee8a25fd74012/virtualenv-16.0.0.tar.gz tar xvfz virtualenv-${VE_VER}.tar.gz mv -T virtualenv-${VE_VER} virtualenv rm virtualenv-${VE_VER}.tar.gz # phony clean_virtualenv: rm -rf virtualenv/ rm -rf virtualenv-*.tar.gz run: ./manage.py runserver test: ./manage.py test -v2 seminar mamweb # DB schemata schema: schema_seminar.pdf schema_all.pdf schema_seminar.pdf: ./manage.py graph_models seminar | dot -Tpdf > schema_seminar.pdf schema_all.pdf: ./manage.py graph_models -a -g | dot -Tpdf > schema_all.pdf # Deploy to current *mamweb-test* directory deploy_test: @if [ ${USER} != "mam-web" ]; then echo "Only possible by user mam-web"; exit 1; fi @if [ `pwd` != "/akce/mam/www/mamweb-test" ]; then echo "Only possible in /akce/mam/www/mamweb-test"; exit 1; fi @echo "Installing version from origin/test ..." git pull origin $(TEST_BRANCH) git clean -f make install ./manage.py migrate ./manage.py collectstatic --noinput (chown -R :mam . || true ) (chmod -R g+rX,go-w . || true ) @echo Restarting systemd unit systemctl --user restart mamweb-test.service @echo Done. # Deploy to current *mamweb-prod* directory deploy_prod: @if [ ${USER} != "mam-web" ]; then echo "Only possible by user mam-web"; exit 1; fi @if [ `pwd` != "/akce/mam/www/mamweb-prod" ]; then echo "Only possible in /akce/mam/www/mamweb-prod"; exit 1; fi @echo "Backing up production DB ..." ( cd .. && ./backup_prod_db.sh ) @echo "Installing version from origin/master ..." git pull origin master git clean -f make install ./manage.py migrate ./manage.py collectstatic --noinput (chown -R :mam . || true ) (chmod -R g+rX,go-w . || true ) @echo Restarting systemd user unit for MaM web systemctl --user restart mamweb-prod.service @echo Done. # Sync test media directory with production sync_test_media: @if [ ${USER} != "mam-web" ]; then echo "Only possible by user mam-web"; exit 1; fi @if [ `pwd` != "/akce/mam/www/mamweb-test" ]; then echo "Only possible in /akce/mam/www/mamweb-test"; exit 1; fi rsync -av --delete /akce/mam/www/mamweb-prod/media/ ./media # Sync test database with production database sync_test_db: @if [ ${USER} != "mam-web" ]; then echo "Only possible by user mam-web"; exit 1; fi pg_dump mam_test > dump-test-`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M"`.sql pg_dump -Fc mam_prod > dump-prod.sql pg_restore -c -d mam_test dump-prod.sql rm dump-prod.sql @echo Done. # Sync test with production sync_test: sync_test_media sync_test_db # Sync media directory with atrey. Useful for local development with production database # Does not sync Galerie and CACHE (too huge). sync_local_media: rsync -ave ssh --exclude Galerie --exclude CACHE\ mam-web@gimli.ms.mff.cuni.cz:/akce/mam/www/mamweb-prod/media/ ./media/ # Downloads and restores production database to local database. PostgreSQL only. sync_local_db: scp mam-web@gimli.ms.mff.cuni.cz:`ssh mam-web@gimli.ms.mff.cuni.cz 'ls -v /akce/mam/www/backups/mam_prod-*\.pgdump.xz | tail -n 1'` \ ./last.pgdump.xz xz -fd last.pgdump.xz pg_restore -c -d mam-prod last.pgdump # Sync database and media. See above lines sync_local: sync_media sync_db