Web M&M
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
312 lines
9.3 KiB
312 lines
9.3 KiB
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
OLD_DB = "mam_old"
NEW_DB = "mamweb"
oldconn = psycopg2.connect(f"dbname={OLD_DB}")
newconn = psycopg2.connect(f"dbname={NEW_DB}")
oldcur = oldconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
newcur = newconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
# Uses global variables oldcur, newcur!
def execute_simple(old_query, new_query=None):
if new_query is None:
new_query = old_query
if oldcur.rowcount != newcur.rowcount:
raise ValueError(f"Queries '{old_query}' and '{new_query}' returned different number of rows ({oldcur.rowcount} and {newcur.rowcount})")
return(oldcur.fetchall(), newcur.fetchall())
def check_same(old_row, new_row, old_fields, new_fields=None):
if type(old_fields) != list:
old_fields = [old_fields]
if new_fields is None:
new_fields = old_fields
fields = zip(old_fields, new_fields)
for old_field, new_field in fields:
if old_row[old_field] == new_row[new_field]:
raise ValueError(f"Fields '{old_field}' and '{new_field}' differs for rows \n'{old_row}' and \n'{new_row}'")
return True
def get_user_id_for_org_id(org_id):
query = """SELECT auth_user.id FROM auth_user
INNER JOIN seminar_osoby ON seminar_osoby.user_id = auth_user.id
INNER JOIN seminar_organizator ON seminar_organizator.osoba_id = seminar_osoby.id
WHERE seminar_organizator.id = %s """
return newcur.fetchone()['id']
def check_skola():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_skoly ORDER BY id"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
def check_resitel():
old_query = 'SELECT * FROM seminar_resitele ORDER BY id'
new_query = 'SELECT * FROM seminar_resitele JOIN seminar_osoby ON seminar_resitele.osoba_id = seminar_osoby.id ORDER BY seminar_resitele.id'
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query,new_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
fields_osoba = [
fields_keep = [
fields_old = fields_keep+fields_osoba
fields_new = fields_keep + ['seminar_osoby.'+f for f in fields_osoba]
for o,n in res:
check_same(o,n,fields_old, fields_new)
def check_reseni():
old_query = 'SELECT * FROM seminar_reseni ORDER BY id'
new_query = 'SELECT * FROM seminar_reseni JOIN seminar_hodnoceni AS hodnoceni ON hodnoceni_id = hodnoceni.id ORDER BY id'
same_fields = ['id', 'forma', 'poznamka']
renamed_fields = [('timestamp', 'cas_doruceni'),
# Also moved fields
('problem_id', 'hodnoceni.problem_id'),
('body', 'hodnoceni.body'),
('cislo_body_id', 'hodnoceni.cislo_body_id'),
old_fields = same_fields + [f[0] for f in renamed_fields]
new_fields = same_fields + [f[1] for f in renamed_fields]
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query,new_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
check_same(o,n,old_fields, new_fields)
# Řešitelé jsou nově m2m, takže je musíme dohledat
old_query = 'SELECT id, resitel_id FROM seminar_reseni ORDER BY id'
new_query = 'SELECT reseni_id, resitel_id FROM seminar_reseni_resitele ORDER BY reseni_id'
oldcur = oldconn.cursor()
old_results = oldcur.execute(old_query).fetchall()
newcur = newconn.cursor()
new_results = newcur.execute(old_query).fetchall()
for oldr in old_results:
if oldr not in new_results:
raise ValueError(f'Pair {oldr} not found in new db.')
def check_organizator():
old_query = 'SELECT * FROM seminar_organizatori ORDER BY id'
new_query = 'SELECT * FROM seminar_organizatori JOIN seminar_osoby AS osoba ON osoba_id = osoba.id JOIN auth_user AS user ON osoba.user_id = user.id ORDER BY id'
same_fields = ['studuje', 'strucny_popis_organizatora']
renamed_fields = [
('user_id', 'user.id'),
('prezdivka', 'osoba.prezdivka'),
('foto', 'osoba.foto'),
('foto_male', 'osoba.foto_male'),
old_fields = same_fields + [f[0] for f in renamed_fields]
new_fields = same_fields + [f[1] for f in renamed_fields]
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query,new_query)
res = zip(old_res, new_res)
for o,n in res:
check_same(o,n,old_fields, new_fields)
# organizuje od, do:
if o.organizuje_od_roku != n.organizuje_od.year:
raise ValueError(f'Not matching organizuje_od for org id={o.id}: old {o.organizuje_od_roku}, new {n.organizuje_od}')
if o.organizuje_do_roku != n.organizuje_do.year:
raise ValueError(f'Not matching organizuje_do for org id={o.id}: old {o.organizuje_do_roku}, new {n.organizuje_do}')
def check_rocnik():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_rocniky ORDER BY id"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
check_same(o,n,['id','prvni_rok', 'rocnik', 'exportovat'])
def check_cislo():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_cisla ORDER BY id"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
check_same(o,n, ['id','rocnik_id','cislo', 'datum_vydani','datum_deadline','verejne','poznamka','pdf'],
def check_priloha_reseni():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_priloha_reseni"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
check_same(o,n, ['id','reseni_id', 'timestamp', 'soubor', 'poznamka'],
['id','reseni_id', 'vytvoreno', 'soubor', 'poznamka'])
def check_soustredeni():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_soustredeni ORDER BY id"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
#Kontrola ucasnici, organizatori v samostatnych funkcich
def check_soustredeni_ucastnici():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_soustredeni_ucastnici ORDER BY id"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
def check_soustredeni_organizatori():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_soustredeni_organizatori ORDER BY id"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
def check_nastaveni():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_nastaveni ORDER BY id"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
def check_novinky():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_novinky ORDER BY id"
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
if get_user_id_for_org_id(n['autor_id']) != o['autor_id']:
raise ValueError("Nesedi autori u novinek")
def check_pohadka():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_pohadky ORDER BY id"
new_query = """SELECT sp.id AS id, sp.autor_id AS autor_id, sp.vytvoreno AS vytvoreno, snp.treenode_ptr_id AS treenode_ptr_id, st.na_web AS text
FROM seminar_pohadky AS sp
INNER JOIN seminar_nodes_pohadka AS snp ON sp.id = snp.pohadka_id
INNER JOIN seminar_nodes_treenode AS snt ON snt.id = snp.treenode_ptr_id
INNER JOIN seminar_nodes_obsah AS sno ON sno.treenode_ptr_id = snt.first_child_id
INNER JOIN seminar_texty AS st ON sno.text_id = st.id
ORDER BY sp.id"""
old_res, new_res = execute_simple(old_query,new_query)
res = zip(old_res,new_res)
for o,n in res:
if o['autor_id'] is not None:
if get_user_id_for_org_id(n['autor_id']) != o['autor_id']:
raise ValueError("Nesedi autori u pohadky")
# Problémy jsou rozdělené podle typů:
def check_uloha():
raise NotImplementedError()
def check_tema():
raise NotImplementedError()
def check_konfera():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_problemy WHERE typ = 'konfera'"
new_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_konfera JOIN seminar_problemy as problem ON problem_ptr_id = problem.id"
if oldcur.rowcount != 0 or newcur.rowcount != 0:
raise ValueError('There exists a Konfera!')
def check_org_clanek():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_problemy WHERE typ = 'org-clanek'"
if oldcur.rowcount != 0:
raise ValueError('There exists a Org-clanek!')
def check_res_clanek():
raise NotImplementedError()
def check_untyped_problem():
old_query = "SELECT * FROM seminar_problemy WHERE typ NOT IN ('uloha', 'tema', 'serial', 'konfera', 'org-clanek', 'res-clanek')"
if oldcur.rowcount != 0:
raise ValueError('There exists a Problem without type!')