You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

18 lines
692 B

{% load treenodes %}
{% if obj.node|isRocnik %}
<h{{depth}}> Ročník {{obj.node.rocnik}} </h{{depth}}>
{% elif obj.node|isCislo %}
<h{{depth}}> Číslo {{obj.node.cislo}} </h{{depth}}>
{% elif obj.node|isTemaVCisle %}
<h{{depth}}> Téma {{obj.node.tema.nazev}} </h{{depth}}>
{% elif obj.node|isUlohaZadani %}
<h{{depth}}>Úloha {{obj.node.uloha.kod_v_rocniku}} ({{obj.node.uloha.max_body}} b)</h{{depth}}>
{% elif obj.node|isUlohaVzorak %}
<h{{depth}}>Řešení: {{obj.node.uloha.kod_v_rocniku}}</h{{depth}}>
{% elif obj.node|isCast %}
<h{{depth}}> {{obj.node.nadpis}} </h{{depth}}>
{% elif obj.node|isText %}
{% else %}
Objekt jiného typu {{obj.node}}
{% endif %}