You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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{% with lb="{" %}
{% with rb="}" %}
{% with vysledkovka=vysledkovka_neverejna %}
\begin{longtable}{|r|l|c|r|{% for cislo in vysledkovka.cisla_rocniku %}c{% if not forloop.last %}@{\hskip.5em}{% endif %}{% endfor %}|r|}\hline
& & & & \multicolumn{{ lb }}{{ vysledkovka.cisla_rocniku|length }}}{c|}{\textbf{Číslo}} & \\\textbf{Poř.} & \textbf{Jméno} & \textbf{R.} & \raisebox{0.7mm}{$\sum_{-1}$} & {% for cislo in vysledkovka.cisla_rocniku %}\textbf{{ lb }}{{ cislo.poradi }}{{ rb }} & {% endfor %}\raisebox{0.7mm}{$\sum_1$} \\\hline
{% for rv in vysledkovka.radky_vysledkovky %}{{ rv.poradi }} & {% if rv.titul %}\titul{{ lb }}{{ rv.titul }}}~{% endif %}{{ rv.resitel.osoba.jmeno|slice:":1" }}.~{{ rv.resitel.osoba.prijmeni }} & {% if rv.rocnik_resitele %}{{ rv.rocnik_resitele }}{% endif %} & {{ rv.body_celkem_odjakziva }} {% for b in rv.body_cisla_seznam %} & {{ b }}{% endfor %} & {{ rv.body_rocnik }} \\
{% endfor %}\end{longtable}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}