Pavel "LEdoian" Turinsky 8b36e79f04 Makefile reforma vol.2 [WIP]
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2022-11-07 23:14:06 +01:00

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# Deploy to current *mamweb-test* directory
deploy: venv_check
@if [ ${USER} != "mam-web" ]; then echo "Only possible by user mam-web"; exit 1; fi
@if [ `readlink -f .` != "/aux/akce/mam/www/mamweb-test" ]; then echo "Only possible in directory mamweb-test"; exit 1; fi
@echo "Installing version from origin/${BRANCH} ..."
git pull origin ${BRANCH}
git clean -f
make install
./ migrate
./ collectstatic --noinput
(chown -R :mam . || true )
(chmod -R g+rX,go-w . || true )
@echo Restarting systemd unit
systemctl --user restart mamweb-test.service
@echo Done.
# Deploy to current *mamweb-prod* directory
deploy_prod: venv_check
@if [ ${USER} != "mam-web" ]; then echo "Only possible by user mam-web"; exit 1; fi
@if [ `readlink -f .` != "/aux/akce/mam/www/mamweb-prod" ]; then echo "Only possible in directory mamweb-prod"; exit 1; fi
@echo "Backing up production DB ..."
( cd -P .. && ./ )
@echo "Installing version from origin/master ..."
git pull origin master
git clean -f
make install
./ migrate
./ collectstatic --noinput
(chown -R :mam . || true )
(chmod -R g+rX,go-w . || true )
@echo Restarting systemd user unit for MaM web
systemctl --user restart mamweb-prod.service
@echo Done.
sync_prod_flatpages: venv_check
@echo Downloading current version of flatpages from mamweb-prod.
ssh \
"cd /akce/mam/www/mamweb-prod; . env/bin/activate; ./ dumpdata flatpages --indent=2 > flat.json; ./ flat.json flat_fixed.json"
rsync -ave ssh data/flat.json
@echo "Applying downloaded flatpages."
./ loaddata data/flat.json
@echo "Done."
# Sync test media directory with production
@if [ ${USER} != "mam-web" ]; then echo "Only possible by user mam-web"; exit 1; fi
@if [ `readlink -f .` != "/aux/akce/mam/www/mamweb-test" ]; then echo "Only possible in /akce/mam/www/mamweb-test"; exit 1; fi
rsync -av --delete /akce/mam/www/mamweb-prod/media/ ./media
# Sync (with drop) test database with production database
@if [ ${USER} != "mam-web" ]; then echo "Only possible by user mam-web"; exit 1; fi
pg_dump mam_test > dump-test-`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M"`.sql
pg_dump -Fc mam_prod > dump-prod.sql
@# I am not sure which shell is used, so I am calling bash to make sure
psql mam_test -c 'DROP OWNED BY "mam-web";'
pg_restore -c --if-exists -d mam_test dump-prod.sql
rm dump-prod.sql
psql mam_test -c "UPDATE django_site SET name='MaMweb (test)', domain='' WHERE id=1"
@echo Done.
# Sync test with production
# HACK ALERT: using aggressive variant, due to the schemas being too different.
sync_test: sync_test_media sync_test_db_aggressive