@ -72,12 +72,17 @@ function getLocation(id: string, solution: boolean): TaskLocation {
function htmlEncode ( text : string ) : string {
const p = document . createElement ( "p" )
p . textContent = text
return p . innerHTML
function parseTask ( startElementId : string , doc : HTMLDocument ) : TaskAssignmentData {
const titleElement = doc . getElementById ( startElementId )
if ( ! titleElement )
throw new Error ( ` Document does not contain ${ startElementId } ` )
fixAllLinks ( titleElement )
const elements = [ ]
let e = titleElement
@ -90,37 +95,52 @@ function parseTask(startElementId: string, doc: HTMLDocument): TaskAssignmentDat
e = e . nextElementSibling as HTMLElement
// skip first <hr>
while ( e . nextElementSibling &&
e . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) == "hr" )
e = e . nextElementSibling as HTMLElement
while ( ! e . classList . contains ( "story" ) &&
// !e.classList.contains("clearfloat") &&
e . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) != "h3" &&
e . textContent ! . trim ( ) != "Řešení"
elements . push ( e )
if ( ! e . nextElementSibling ) break ;
e = e . nextElementSibling as HTMLElement
// hack: remove img tag that shows this task is a practical one. Some tasks have it, some don't, so we remove it for consistency
const intoImgTag = elements [ 0 ] ? . firstElementChild
const intoImgTag = e . firstElementChild
if ( intoImgTag && intoImgTag . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) == "img" && intoImgTag . classList . contains ( "leftfloat" ) ) {
intoImgTag . remove ( )
let r = ""
for ( const e of elements ) {
copyElements : while ( ! e . classList . contains ( "story" ) &&
// !e.classList.contains("clearfloat") &&
e . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) != "h3" &&
e . textContent ! . trim ( ) != "Řešení"
) {
processElement : {
// hack: remove the paragraph with the matching text. Occurs in KSP-H, but is useless in this context.
if ( e . textContent ! . trim ( ) . replace ( /\s+/g , " " ) == "Toto je praktická open-data úloha. V odevzdávacím systému si necháte vygenerovat vstupy a odevzdáte příslušné výstupy. Záleží jen na vás, jak výstupy vyrobíte." ) {
continue ;
break processElement
fixAllLinks ( e )
r += e . outerHTML + "\n"
let n = e . nextSibling
copyNodes : while ( true ) {
if ( ! n ) {
break copyElements
if ( n . nodeType == Node . ELEMENT_NODE ) {
e = n as HTMLElement
break copyNodes
} else if ( n . nodeType == Node . TEXT_NODE && n . textContent ! . trim ( ) != "" ) {
r += htmlEncode ( n . textContent ! )
n = n . nextSibling
return {
description : r ,
id : id.trim ( ) ,