Standa Lukeš
1 year ago
4 changed files with 388 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
## Skripty a configy pro KSP VM |
### Hadí skripty na synchronizaci uživatelů z gimliho: [./user-sync](./user-sync) |
[``](./user-sync/ vykrade .ssh/authorized_keys z home adresářů specifikovaných uživatelů. |
[``](./user-sync/ je zkopíruje na zadaný server, případně na něm pak spustí nějaký příkaz. |
[``](./user-sync/ vyrobí, případně modifikuje uživatele na cílovém stroji. |
Zamýšlené schéma použití |
```bash |
sudo ./ --output ./ssh_keys.json --groups ksp --users případně nějací další uživatelé --verbose |
./ --user_file ./ssh_keys.json --server root@ksp-vm --server-transfer-file /var/db/gimliusersync/new-users.json --execute '' |
``` |
na ksp-vm |
``` |
./ --new-file /var/db/gimliusersync/new-users.json \ |
--old-file /var/db/gimliusersync/current-users.json \ |
--ssh-keys-location /etc/ssh/gimli-authorized_keys.d \ |
--marker-group gimli-user |
--extra-groups ksp-org cokoli-dalsiho |
--removed-group gimli-removed-user |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
import os, sys, argparse, json, datetime, tempfile, pwd, grp, subprocess |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
from typing import Optional, Any |
def report_persistent_problem(*msg): |
print(*msg, file=sys.stderr) |
with open("./errors", "a") as f: |
print(*msg, file=f) |
@dataclass(frozen=True) |
class UserData: |
uid: int |
name: str |
homedir: str |
full_name: str |
shell: str |
ssh_keys: list[str] |
def read_file(path: str) -> Optional[dict[str, Any]]: |
if not os.path.exists(path): |
return None |
with open(path) as f: |
return json.load(f) |
def validate_shell(user: UserData) -> str: |
if not os.path.exists( |
report_persistent_problem(f"Shell {} is not installed on this system (user {})!") |
return "/bin/bash" |
return |
def execute_maybe(cmd: list[str], dry_run: bool, verbose: bool): |
if verbose or dry_run: |
print(f"Executing", *cmd) |
if not dry_run: |
subprocess.check_call(cmd) |
def create_user(user: UserData, marker_group: str, extra_groups: list[str], dry_run: bool, verbose: bool): |
try: |
pwd.getpwnam( |
report_persistent_problem(f"Cannot create {}:{user.uid} - username already taken!") |
return |
except KeyError: |
pass |
try: |
pwd.getpwuid(user.uid) |
report_persistent_problem(f"Cannot create {}:{user.uid} - uid already taken!") |
return |
except KeyError: |
pass |
cmd = [ "useradd", |
"--uid", str(user.uid), |
"--user-group", |
"--create-home", |
"--comment", user.full_name, |
"--groups", ",".join([marker_group, *extra_groups]), |
"--shell", validate_shell(user), |
# TODO: subuid and subgid are handled? |
] |
execute_maybe(cmd, dry_run, verbose) |
def modify_user(old: UserData, new: UserData, marker_group: str, dry_run: bool, verbose: bool): |
if old.uid != new.uid or != |
report_persistent_problem(f"Cannot modify {}:{old.uid} to {}:{new.uid} - uid or name changed!") |
return |
if not in grp.getgrnam(marker_group).gr_mem: |
if verbose: |
print(f"Skipping {}:{new.uid} - not in {marker_group} group") |
return |
cmd = [ "usermod" ] |
if old.full_name != new.full_name: |
cmd.extend([ "--comment", new.full_name ]) |
if != |
cmd.extend([ "--shell", validate_shell(new) ]) |
if cmd == [ "usermod" ]: |
return |
execute_maybe(cmd, dry_run, verbose) |
def add_group(user_name: str, group: str, dry_run: bool, verbose: bool): |
if user_name not in grp.getgrnam(group).gr_mem: |
cmd = [ "usermod", "--append", "--groups", group, user_name ] |
execute_maybe(cmd, dry_run, verbose) |
def save_keys(users: list[UserData], ssh_keys_location: str, dry_run: bool, verbose: bool): |
remove_files = set(os.listdir(ssh_keys_location)).difference( for u in users if len(u.ssh_keys) > 0) |
if remove_files: |
if verbose or dry_run: |
print(f"Removing SSH keys: {remove_files}") |
if not dry_run: |
for f in remove_files: |
os.remove(os.path.join(ssh_keys_location, f)) |
for user in users: |
# doesn't matter if it changed on source, always overwrite if different |
# users should not overwrite these files |
if len(user.ssh_keys) == 0: |
continue |
file = os.path.join(ssh_keys_location, |
new_content = "".join(line.rstrip() + "\n" for line in user.ssh_keys) |
if os.path.exists(file): |
with open(file) as f: |
old_content = |
if old_content == new_content: |
continue |
if verbose or dry_run: |
print(f"Saving {len(user.ssh_keys)} SSH keys for {}:{user.uid}") |
if not dry_run: |
with open(file, "w") as f: |
f.write(new_content) |
def main_args(new_file_path: str, old_file_path: str, ssh_keys_location, marker_group: str, extra_groups: list[str], removed_group: Optional[str], dry_run: bool, verbose: bool): |
if os.getuid() != 0: |
print("WARNING: This script should be executed as root", file=sys.stderr) |
new_file = read_file(new_file_path) |
if new_file is None: |
raise Exception(f"File {new_file_path} does not exist") |
old_file = read_file(old_file_path) |
if old_file and datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(old_file["timestamp"]) > datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(new_file["timestamp"]): |
raise Exception(f"Old file {old_file_path} is newer than {new_file_path}") |
new_users = [UserData(**u) for u in new_file["users"] ] |
old_users = {u["name"]: UserData(**u) for u in old_file["users"] } if old_file else {} |
created_users = [u for u in new_users if not in old_users] |
modified_users = [u for u in new_users if in old_users and u != old_users[]] |
removed_users = set( for u in old_users.values() if for u in new_users) |
allowed_users = set(grp.getgrnam(marker_group).gr_mem).union( for u in created_users) |
for u in created_users: |
create_user(u, marker_group, extra_groups, dry_run, verbose) |
for u in modified_users: |
if in allowed_users: |
modify_user(old_users[], u, marker_group, dry_run, verbose) |
for u in removed_users: |
if u in allowed_users and removed_group is not None: |
add_group(u, removed_group, dry_run, verbose) |
save_keys(new_users, ssh_keys_location, dry_run, verbose) |
def main(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Creates or modifies users on this machine based on data created by') |
parser.add_argument("--new-file", help="The file generated using script", required=True) |
parser.add_argument("--old-file", help="Files used to compare differences, when script finishes this file is overwritten with new_file", required=True) |
parser.add_argument("--ssh-keys-location", help="Directory where all ssh keys are stored", required=True) |
parser.add_argument("--marker-group", help="Group name to add to users created by this script. Only users with this group will be updated", required=True) |
parser.add_argument("--extra-groups", nargs="+", help="Additional groups") |
parser.add_argument("--removed-group", help="Add this group to users which disappeared from source") |
parser.add_argument("--dry_run", action="store_true", help="Only print which commands would be executed") |
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print debug messages") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
main_args(args.new_file, args.old_file, args.ssh_keys_location, args.marker_group, args.extra_groups, args.removed_group, args.dry_run, args.verbose) |
main() |
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
import os, sys, argparse, json, datetime, pwd, grp |
from dataclasses import dataclass |
from typing import Optional, Any |
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) |
class UserInfo: |
uid: int |
name: str |
homedir: str |
def __repr__(self) -> str: |
return f"{}:{self.uid}" |
@staticmethod |
def create(struct: pwd.struct_passwd) -> 'UserInfo': |
return UserInfo(struct.pw_uid, struct.pw_name, struct.pw_dir) |
def get_users(users: list[str], groups: list[str], verbose: bool) -> list[UserInfo]: |
result = [] |
for user in users: |
try: |
if user.isdigit(): |
result.append(UserInfo.create(pwd.getpwuid(int(user)))) |
else: |
result.append(UserInfo.create(pwd.getpwnam(user))) |
except KeyError: |
print(f"User {user} does not exist", file=sys.stderr) |
if verbose: |
print(f"Added hardcoded users: {result}") |
for group in groups: |
try: |
if group.isdigit(): |
g = grp.getgrgid(int(group)) |
else: |
g = grp.getgrnam(group) |
except KeyError: |
print(f"Group {group} does not exist", file=sys.stderr) |
continue |
# gp_mem contains only those members which don't have gid == g.gr_gid |
members = [ UserInfo.create(pwd.getpwnam(member)) for member in g.gr_mem ] |
members.extend(UserInfo.create(p) for p in pwd.getpwall() if p.pw_gid == g.gr_gid) |
if verbose: |
print(f"Added all group '{group}' members: {members}") |
result.extend(members) |
return list(sorted(set(result))) |
def read_authorized_keys(user: UserInfo) -> list[str]: |
original_uid = os.geteuid() |
try: |
os.seteuid(user.uid) |
keys_file = os.path.join(user.homedir, ".ssh", "authorized_keys") |
if not os.path.exists(keys_file): |
return [] |
with open(keys_file) as f: |
return f.readlines() |
finally: |
os.seteuid(original_uid) |
def main_args(user_names: list[str], group_names: list[str], output_file: str, verbose: bool): |
if os.getuid() != 0: |
print("WARNING: This script should be executed as root", file=sys.stderr) |
users = get_users(user_names, group_names, verbose) |
result = [] |
for user in users: |
user_row: dict[str, Any] = { |
"name":, |
"uid": user.uid, |
} |
try: |
keys = read_authorized_keys(user) |
user_row["keys"] = keys |
if verbose: |
print(f"Read {len(keys)} keys for {user}") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error reading keys for {user}: {e}", file=sys.stderr) |
user_row["failure"] = True |
result.append(user_row) |
with open(output_file + ".part", "w") as f: |
json.dump({ |
"users": result, |
"timestamp":, |
}, f, indent=4) |
os.rename(output_file + ".part", output_file) |
def main(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Collect .ssh/authorized_keys files from a specified list of users') |
parser.add_argument("--users", nargs="+", default=[], help="Collect keys from these users (username or uid)") |
parser.add_argument("--groups", nargs="+", default=[], help="Collect keys from all users in these groups (group name or gid)") |
parser.add_argument("--output", help="Output file to write authorized_keys to", required=True) |
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print debug messages") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
main_args(args.users, args.groups, args.output, args.verbose) |
main() |
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python3 |
import os, sys, argparse, json, datetime, tempfile, pwd, grp, subprocess |
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict |
from typing import Optional, Any |
@dataclass(frozen=True) |
class UserData: |
uid: int |
name: str |
homedir: str |
full_name: str |
shell: str |
ssh_keys: list[str] |
@staticmethod |
def create(struct: pwd.struct_passwd, ssh_keys: list[str]) -> 'UserData': |
return UserData(struct.pw_uid, struct.pw_name, struct.pw_gecos, struct.pw_shell, struct.pw_dir, []) |
def get_userdata(user_file: dict[str, Any], verbose: bool) -> tuple[datetime.datetime, list[UserData]]: |
users: list[dict[str, Any]] = user_file["users"] |
created_at = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(user_file["timestamp"]) |
now = |
if (now - created_at) > datetime.timedelta(days=1): |
print(f"WARNING: The user file is older than 1 day ({created_at=})", file=sys.stderr) |
if verbose: |
print(f"Loaded {len(users)} users, datafile age = {now - created_at}") |
result = [] |
for user in users: |
uid = int(user["uid"]) |
keys = user["ssh_keys"] |
try: |
struct = pwd.getpwuid(uid) |
except KeyError: |
print(f"User {user['name']}:{uid} does not exist", file=sys.stderr) |
continue |
result.append(UserData.create(struct, keys)) |
return created_at, result |
def copy_file(local_path, server, remote_path, verbose): |
cmd = [ "rsync", local_path, f"{server}:{remote_path}" ] |
if verbose: |
cmd.append("--verbose") |
print(f"Executing", *cmd) |
subprocess.check_call(cmd) |
def execute_command(server, command, verbose): |
cmd = [ "ssh", server, command ] |
if verbose: |
print(f"Executing", *cmd) |
subprocess.check_call(cmd) |
def main_args(keys_file: str, server: str, command: Optional[str], transfer_file: Optional[str], server_transfer_file: str, verbose: bool): |
if os.getuid() == 0: |
print("WARNING: This script should be not executed as root, only requires that", file=sys.stderr) |
with open(keys_file, "r") as f: |
user_list = json.load(f) |
keys_ts, users = get_userdata(user_list, verbose) |
transfer_json = { |
"keys_timestamp": keys_ts.isoformat(), |
"timestamp":, |
"users": [ asdict(user) for user in users ] |
} |
if transfer_file is None: |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w") as f: |
json.dump(transfer_json, f) |
f.flush() |
copy_file(, server, server_transfer_file, verbose) |
else: |
with open(transfer_file, "w") as f: |
json.dump(transfer_json, f) |
copy_file(transfer_file, server, server_transfer_file, verbose) |
if command is not None: |
execute_command(server, command, verbose) |
def main(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Copies list of users to a remote server') |
parser.add_argument("--keys-file", help="The file generated using script", required=True) |
parser.add_argument("--server", help="SSH server where to copy the file and execute the command", required=True) |
parser.add_argument("--command", default=None, help="Command to execute on the remote server. Will be executed using default shell of ssh") |
parser.add_argument("--transfer-file", default=None, help="Write the transfer JSON file to this path. Otherwise, temporary file is used.") |
parser.add_argument("--server-transfer-file", help="The file generated using script", default="/var/ksp-user-sync/new-users.json") |
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print debug messages") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
main_args(args.keys_file, args.server, args.command, args.transfer_file, args.server_transfer_file, args.verbose) |
main() |
Reference in new issue