RFC: Omezení počtu adres v mailech z testwebu #27

zelvuska merged 1 commit from malo-mailu-z-testwebu into master 2023-04-17 20:55:11 +02:00

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@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ Used to distinguish testing emails from production ones."""
from django.core.mail.backends.smtp import EmailBackend as DjangoSMTPBackend
from django.conf import settings
def omezovatko_poctu_mailu(maily:list, maximum:int) -> str:
if len(maily) <= maximum: return str(maily)
# Aspoň zhruba simulujeme tisk pole…
return '[' + ", ".join(f"'{mail}'" for mail in maily[:maximum - 1]) + f', … ({len(maily)} e-mailů) ]'
class PrefixingMailBackend(DjangoSMTPBackend):
# method _send is not probably meant to be monkey_patched, so we patch send_messages instead.
def send_messages(self, messages):
@ -16,10 +21,13 @@ class PrefixingMailBackend(DjangoSMTPBackend):
if message.from_email != settings.SERVER_EMAIL:
message.subject = prefix + ' ' + message.subject
to = omezovatko_poctu_mailu(message.to, 3)
cc = omezovatko_poctu_mailu(message.cc, 3)
bcc = omezovatko_poctu_mailu(message.bcc, 3)
message.body = f"""Bylo by posláno na e-maily:
To: {message.to}
Cc: {message.cc}
Bcc: {message.bcc}
To: {to}
Cc: {cc}
Bcc: {bcc}
"""+ "\n\n" + message.body
message.cc = []