from flask import Flask, redirect, flash, session, g, request, get_flashed_messages, Markup
from wtforms import Form, BooleanField, StringField, PasswordField, validators, SubmitField, IntegerField, DateTimeField, RadioField
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
import time
from datetime import datetime
from sqlalchemy import exc, update
import werkzeug.exceptions
import wtforms
from wtforms.fields import EmailField
from wtforms.widgets import NumberInput
from typing import Optional, Any, List
from datetime import datetime
import hra.config as config
import hra.web.html as html
import hra.db as db
from hra.web import app
import hra.web.jinja_mac as jinja_mac
from hra.util import hash_passwd
from hra.web.pages import BasePage, web_game_view
wlogic_by_mode = {}
def add_wlogic(cls):
wlogic_by_mode[cls.__name__.lower()] = cls
def get_wlogic(game):
if game.game_mode in wlogic_by_mode:
cls = wlogic_by_mode[game.game_mode]
cls = WLogic
return cls(game)
class WLogic:
def __init__(self, game):
self.game = game
self.logic = game.get_logic()
class OccupyViewConfig(FlaskForm):
refresh_none = "Bez automatické aktualizace"
refresh_meta = "Aktualizace pomocí HTML META"
refresh_js = "Aktualizace pomocí java scriptu"
font_size = IntegerField("Velikost fontu", default=8)
refresh = RadioField("Aktualizace", choices=(refresh_none, refresh_meta), default=refresh_none)
not_clickable = BooleanField("Vypnout podrobnosti kliknutím (zmenší nároky na sít a procesor)")
big_fields = BooleanField("Široká políčka (trojciferné počty)")
submit = SubmitField("Refresh/Potvrdit")
class Occupy(WLogic):
def view(self, state: db.State, team: Optional[db.Team], teams: List[db.Team]):
meta_refresh_without_reaming = 15
game = state.game
if game.step_mode == db.StepMode.automatic:
time_reaming = (state.create_time - datetime.now()).total_seconds() + game.step_every_s
time_reaming = None
s = state.get_state()
conff = OccupyViewConfig(formdata=request.args, csrf_enabled=False)
q = db.get_session().query(db.Log).order_by(db.Log.log_id.desc())
max_num = 999 if conff.big_fields.data else 99
b = BasePage()
b.h2(f"Hra {self.game.print()} kolo {state.round}")
if not conff.not_clickable.data:
b.p("Po kliknutí na buňku se zobrazí další informace.")
if conff.refresh.data == conff.refresh_meta and time_reaming is None:
b.p(f"Není známo, kdy nastane další kolo, proto může být aktualizace až o {meta_refresh_without_reaming} sekund opožděna.")
with b.p():
b.line().b(_class=f"game_team_{team.team_id}")(f"Pohled týmu {team.print()}")
with b.line().b(_class="pull-right"):
if time_reaming is not None:
b("Čas do konce kola: ", b._span(id="time")(int(time_reaming)), " sekund")
b("Konec kola není stanoven")
with b.p(style="text-align:center;").table(_class="game_table"):
for i, row in enumerate(s["world"]):
with b.tr():
for j, x in enumerate(row):
occupied_by_team = x["occupied_by_team"]
home_for_team = x["home_for_team"]
members = x["members"]
with b.td():
classes = []
with b.a(href=f"#cell_{i}_{j}") if not conff.not_clickable.data else b.bucket():
if x["protected_for_team"] is not None:
if x["hill"]:
b(Markup(" "))
if home_for_team is not None:
if occupied_by_team is not None:
num = len(members)
if num:
b(num if num <= max_num else ("+++" if conff.big_fields.data else "++"))
b(Markup(" "))
b(_class=" ".join(classes))
if not conff.not_clickable.data:
for i, row in enumerate(s["world"]):
for j, x in enumerate(row):
occupied_by_team = x["occupied_by_team"]
protected_for_team = x["protected_for_team"]
home_for_team = x["home_for_team"]
members = x["members"]
with b.div(id=f"cell_{i}_{j}", _class="game_tab form-frame"):
b.h4(f"Políčko {i} {j}", b._a(href=f"#", _class="btn btn-primary pull-right")("Skrýt"))
if x["hill"]:
if occupied_by_team is not None:
b.p(_class=f"game_team_{occupied_by_team}").b(f"Obsazeno týmem: {teams[occupied_by_team].print()}")
if protected_for_team is not None:
b.p(_class=f"game_team_{protected_for_team}").b(f"Ochranné území týmu: {teams[protected_for_team].print()}")
if home_for_team is not None:
b.p(_class=f"game_team_{home_for_team}").b(f"Domov týmu: {teams[home_for_team].print()}")
b.p().b(f"Počet osob: {len(members)}")
with b.ul():
for m in members:
b.li(_class=f"game_team_{home_for_team}")(f"Voják {m['id']} týmu {teams[m['team']].print()}")
del conff.csrf_token
b.div(_class="form-frame")(jinja_mac.quick_form(conff, form_type="horizontal", method="GET"))
var intervalID = window.setInterval(update_time, 100);
var t = { time_reaming*1000 };
function update_time() {{
document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = Math.floor(t/1000);;
t -= 100;
def head(x):
refresh_time = time_reaming + 1 if time_reaming is not None else 15
font_size = int(conff.font_size.data)
box_size = int(font_size * 1.3 + 1)
box_w = box_size
if conff.big_fields.data:
box_w *= 1.5
table_w = len(s["world"][0]) * box_w
margin_cmd = ""
if table_w > 1000:
margin_cmd = f"margin-left: {(1000-table_w) / 2}px;"
if conff.refresh.data == conff.refresh_meta:
b.meta(**{"HTTP-EQUIV": "refresh", "CONTENT": f"{refresh_time};{app.url_for(web_game_view.__name__, game_id=game.game_id, team_id=team.team_id, **request.args)}"})
b.link(rel="stylesheet", href=app.url_for('static', filename='occupy.css'), type='text/css', media="all")
table.game_table tr td {{
width: {box_w}px;
max-width: {box_w}px;
height: {box_size}px;
font-size: {font_size}px;
table.game_table {{
width: {table_w}px;
return b.print_file()